So..the xpac came out last week and minus a handful of members, looks like everyone is now exploring this new frozen tundra. Well, most everyone. I am still, as most of you know, holding off on going to the new area, until after I get my lock to the right level.
The expansion has breathed new life into the guild. Our nightly population is back up where it once was. Even though you may be waiting 10 - 20 minutes to get logged into the server!! I attempted to log on Saturday night and was 234th in queue, with a 12 minute wait!! That's a little nuts if you ask me. I installed at 12:13 and was online logged in on the night of release by 12:45. One of the first people on the ship headed over, followed closely by Thor, Flirt and Gaulder! Yay, us!! Ok, so that's not much of an accomplishment..probably means we just don't have much of a life!
We did do Kara on Friday night, though it appears our trek into BC raid areas are giong to slowly start decreasing. With all the new content, people just aren't as interested in returning to dusty, lonely lands of Kara and ZA. I do hope that we can manage to get these in, at least, a few more times before they total become deserted. Its in these raids that we really come together as a guild. That we learn to work together towards a common goal and we have fun doing it. It allows more members to be able to do things at the same time vrs the normal 5 man instances.
Congratulations to all our members on their leveling progress and to our now GROWING population of DeathKnights!! It's good to see people excited again. I can't wait to get us all into some new content and back on track to having fun together. Don't forget to recruit, we are still in need of tanks!
The Christmas season is quickly approaching. If anyone is interested or has any ideas for something the guild can do together, let me know!!
Happy Hunting!!
<3 Kaly
Monday, November 17, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Release Day!
Well, gotta kill some time.
Decided against my better judgement to attend the midnight release for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King tonight. I am now 55% into download of the first patch. Trying not to think about the horror stories of how many patches there were to download when the last expansion came out or how long it took people to actually get logged on. So instead we'll talk about the crazy people standing in line at the local Gamestop.
So...manager of the store is running around dressed like a murloc, not to mention sounding exactly like one!! For most of you, who don't play the game, you'll have no idea what that is but for the rest it was very funny. The other people in line...not so funny. Spent as long as I could on the phone with Matt, who was also standing in line in Houston (an hour earlier than I was by the way), simply because I was a little out of place. Reason...1. I was only one of two females present...2. These guys were all a little...interesting. But eventually his phone died (mental note to mail him the car charger tomorrow) Anyway.....the conversations going on around me were pretty much based on raiding, guilds, their ok, maybe it was a little entertaining. And I can say I have offically attended release night. Not that I'm sure that's much to brag about. =)
OH! Patch is done!....And now the patch is installing. boo
Got to gamestop about 11:40, went in got my reciept stamped, went outside (in the freezing cold, with no coat) and waiting until 12:00. I was about half way through the line, so at 12 they started sending people in 2 at a time to get your game, get checked off and send you on your merry way. Not so horribly bad, started pouring rain!!
Yay! Patch is installed!! And I'm in!! Will update more tomorrow!
Decided against my better judgement to attend the midnight release for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King tonight. I am now 55% into download of the first patch. Trying not to think about the horror stories of how many patches there were to download when the last expansion came out or how long it took people to actually get logged on. So instead we'll talk about the crazy people standing in line at the local Gamestop.
So...manager of the store is running around dressed like a murloc, not to mention sounding exactly like one!! For most of you, who don't play the game, you'll have no idea what that is but for the rest it was very funny. The other people in line...not so funny. Spent as long as I could on the phone with Matt, who was also standing in line in Houston (an hour earlier than I was by the way), simply because I was a little out of place. Reason...1. I was only one of two females present...2. These guys were all a little...interesting. But eventually his phone died (mental note to mail him the car charger tomorrow) Anyway.....the conversations going on around me were pretty much based on raiding, guilds, their ok, maybe it was a little entertaining. And I can say I have offically attended release night. Not that I'm sure that's much to brag about. =)
OH! Patch is done!....And now the patch is installing. boo
Got to gamestop about 11:40, went in got my reciept stamped, went outside (in the freezing cold, with no coat) and waiting until 12:00. I was about half way through the line, so at 12 they started sending people in 2 at a time to get your game, get checked off and send you on your merry way. Not so horribly bad, started pouring rain!!
Yay! Patch is installed!! And I'm in!! Will update more tomorrow!
WotLK - Round 2
Well, finally got everything installed and updated. Hung around to wait for Matt to get his game (haha, I can always say I had, installed it and played it first, he'll love me for that) installed, make his Deathknight and get it in our guild before I had to log and hit the bed. Had work this morning and I'm paying the cost of little sleep...3 1/2 hours to be exact.
So far the game looks great. Am more focused on leveling a lower toon now than actually play in Northrend but it was a pretty cool place, minus the giant bugs that attacked me as soon as I walked out of the town. Ran right back in, found the Inn and logged of (yeah, chicken, lol). Not a safe place for a Holy Priest with no tanky type to follow around. >.<
Anyway, not much else to report at the moment. Will update on the game, if anyones interested, after I actually get to play some!
So far the game looks great. Am more focused on leveling a lower toon now than actually play in Northrend but it was a pretty cool place, minus the giant bugs that attacked me as soon as I walked out of the town. Ran right back in, found the Inn and logged of (yeah, chicken, lol). Not a safe place for a Holy Priest with no tanky type to follow around. >.<
Anyway, not much else to report at the moment. Will update on the game, if anyones interested, after I actually get to play some!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Last Call - Announcements, Meetings
Congratulations guys, on downing the first 3 bosses in ZA!
It was a rocky start and a pretty rocky ending but all in all, you guys worked great together. It's amazing how much we've improved, how hard people have worked to gear and get better. I am truly impressed!!
I know things have been pretty crazy lately, a little hectic to say the least. The xpac coming out in less that 3 days. That alone has caused everyone to push, trying to get in those last few badges, that last little rep, etc. There are going to be a few changes, actually have to be a few changes, not only for my sanity but also for the sanity of other people in the guild. We will be scheduling an officers meeting for Tues night to make a couple of announcements and slight changes.
I think it has come time for me to offically put Kalyanna on retirement from healing. I'm hitting a point of burnout very quickly. Find myself becoming frustrated and no longer enjoying the game with her. Don't get me wrong, I am willing to pull her into instances in the new xpac when needed and I will level her to 80. I just simply can't keep going on the path I have been. I think this is also playing true for a paticular prot pally in our guild as well...but when and if that announcement needs to be made, it will be at a later time.
Again, Congrats and Happy Hunting!
<3 Kaly
It was a rocky start and a pretty rocky ending but all in all, you guys worked great together. It's amazing how much we've improved, how hard people have worked to gear and get better. I am truly impressed!!
I know things have been pretty crazy lately, a little hectic to say the least. The xpac coming out in less that 3 days. That alone has caused everyone to push, trying to get in those last few badges, that last little rep, etc. There are going to be a few changes, actually have to be a few changes, not only for my sanity but also for the sanity of other people in the guild. We will be scheduling an officers meeting for Tues night to make a couple of announcements and slight changes.
I think it has come time for me to offically put Kalyanna on retirement from healing. I'm hitting a point of burnout very quickly. Find myself becoming frustrated and no longer enjoying the game with her. Don't get me wrong, I am willing to pull her into instances in the new xpac when needed and I will level her to 80. I just simply can't keep going on the path I have been. I think this is also playing true for a paticular prot pally in our guild as well...but when and if that announcement needs to be made, it will be at a later time.
Again, Congrats and Happy Hunting!
<3 Kaly
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Last Call - Oops we did it again!
Full Kara clear, including Nightbane and Netherspite. That is an accomplishment. Congratulations guys.
ZA? Well, not so well. We started the run almost 2 hours later than scheduled. Once we finally got inside, we had no problem with the trash pulls but wiped several times on the first boss. Ythane has been doing his research and is coming up with a plan that may help us on the next run. Speaking of which, ZA is scheduled again for Sunday afternoon. This seems to be a good day for this run and we will try to keep it up as long as their is interest.
We have less than 2 weeks till the xpac releases!! Yay. I offically joined the ranks of the addicted and pre-purchased my copy and plan to be at the midnight release to pick it up. This means I can get the game, install it and start is downloading the millions of updates while I sleep. We all know it's going to take hours to even be able to log in. So I guess for those of us installing at midnight, we'll be sitting in vent to keep each other company? I know Kyn is picking up at midnight (a full hour behind me, might I add), anyone else planning to have the game that night? We may as well make a party out of it!!
Not much else new to report in the LC world. Grats again to those in Kara last week and those who attempted ZA with us on Sunday. Any brave souls wanting to come back again, we'll see you next weekend!!!
Happy Hunting!
ZA? Well, not so well. We started the run almost 2 hours later than scheduled. Once we finally got inside, we had no problem with the trash pulls but wiped several times on the first boss. Ythane has been doing his research and is coming up with a plan that may help us on the next run. Speaking of which, ZA is scheduled again for Sunday afternoon. This seems to be a good day for this run and we will try to keep it up as long as their is interest.
We have less than 2 weeks till the xpac releases!! Yay. I offically joined the ranks of the addicted and pre-purchased my copy and plan to be at the midnight release to pick it up. This means I can get the game, install it and start is downloading the millions of updates while I sleep. We all know it's going to take hours to even be able to log in. So I guess for those of us installing at midnight, we'll be sitting in vent to keep each other company? I know Kyn is picking up at midnight (a full hour behind me, might I add), anyone else planning to have the game that night? We may as well make a party out of it!!
Not much else new to report in the LC world. Grats again to those in Kara last week and those who attempted ZA with us on Sunday. Any brave souls wanting to come back again, we'll see you next weekend!!!
Happy Hunting!
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