Well, gotta kill some time.
Decided against my better judgement to attend the midnight release for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King tonight. I am now 55% into download of the first patch. Trying not to think about the horror stories of how many patches there were to download when the last expansion came out or how long it took people to actually get logged on. So instead we'll talk about the crazy people standing in line at the local Gamestop.
So...manager of the store is running around dressed like a murloc, not to mention sounding exactly like one!! For most of you, who don't play the game, you'll have no idea what that is but for the rest it was very funny. The other people in line...not so funny. Spent as long as I could on the phone with Matt, who was also standing in line in Houston (an hour earlier than I was by the way), simply because I was a little out of place. Reason...1. I was only one of two females present...2. These guys were all a little...interesting. But eventually his phone died (mental note to mail him the car charger tomorrow) Anyway.....the conversations going on around me were pretty much based on raiding, guilds, their characters..so ok, maybe it was a little entertaining. And I can say I have offically attended release night. Not that I'm sure that's much to brag about. =)
OH! Patch is done!....And now the patch is installing. boo
Got to gamestop about 11:40, went in got my reciept stamped, went outside (in the freezing cold, with no coat) and waiting until 12:00. I was about half way through the line, so at 12 they started sending people in 2 at a time to get your game, get checked off and send you on your merry way. Not so horribly bad, except...it started pouring rain!!
Yay! Patch is installed!! And I'm in!! Will update more tomorrow!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
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