We're a little over a week into Cataclysm and now that the leveling fun is over my excitement is slowly being replaced by anxiety.
Let me start by saying that I really do love my guild and I enjoy the people in it. I've had a great time running instances and hanging out in vent with them over the last few nights. It's a sense of belonging, of fitting in. To most that will sound silly, especially since it's just a game right? But simply remember I am a girl after all and we do stress over things that don't matter to most of you guys.
With that being said my guild is also bringing on a sense of stress.
When Cata released I had no outlined plan of how I was going to spend my time. I wanted to make sure I kept up with the guild and their leveling progression as much as I could. I had enjoyed being there for most of the progression through ICC and don't want to loose my place with them in the new content.
Now, I'm starting to feel the panic.
Our raid leaders have placed a "Heroic Roll Call" on the raid forums. As of this morning there are 7 names on that list. One of which is not mine. The guild message of the day when I logged in last night announced the plan to start heroic gear runs during raid times beginning next week. My priest is still not heroic ready. Thus produces panic attack one and two.
With the new expansion thus comes new players. Over the last couple of nights we have welcomed several new members into our ranks. This is wonderful for the guild. New people breath new life into the guild. But it also brings about panic number 3. New people also bring new bodies wanting to raid.
Again, most of you probably aren't seeing my panic in this yet. Let me give you a little background info.
When I first joined my current guild they had a pretty strong, pretty tight raiding team. Though Kyn and I were able to attend a few raids with them, there wasn't much room in the group at the time. The current raiders had been progressing and working together long before we came around. As people started to take extended breaks from the game, Kyn and I were still going strong. This opened up a few spots for us to slide into. We started raiding with the people that were still around, making friends and enjoying being part of the group.
Now I start to worry. You see, we have a very open raid sign up policy. 24 hours before the scheduled raid the queue opens up on our website and you sign up. First 10 people to sign up are the first 10 people invited to go. Based on need of course.
With the release of new content and new members, I have a feeling that queue is going to fill up very quickly. Even towards the end of Wrath, we were seeing the queue go from empty to full in less than a couple of minutes. Everyone wanted to be there for Lich King. There are only so many spots in a 10 man raid group and we're looking at more than 10 people wanting those spots already.
Thus is the cause of stress in my game. Be it a valid concern or not, it's still a concern for me none the less.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
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It's Mits - I took a peek at your blog, sorry!
Anyway, at the very least, don't feel as though you're the only one in this situation. Ty and I have noticed certain individuals 'pushing' the rest of us along... believe me, it was only one person who started the heroic-ready thread - it wasn't something decided upon by the entire raid officer group. The pressure is/was there, and we're not too crazy about it either, but Ty did mention that the guild leader himself seemed to be taking his time to some degree, so there's a bit of comfort in that.
Anyway, as far as the raid sizes go... believe me, if there's like 18-20 people eventually queuing for a particular night, we'll have to figure something out. We can't just let half of the group sit out. At the very least, I share your concerns about our growing ranks, so don't feel too alone in that. If history repeats itself, btw, a large portion of these folks will eventually burn out/get bored and leave once more, after the first tier or so is done.
In any event, try not to feel too stressed; and if something's bothering you, don't be afraid to let someone know. I share your opinion on many things, so that makes two of us, at least. ;)
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