Nothing much going on in WoW. Surprisingly we didn't spend much time playing this weekend.
Have been working on my DeathKnight more then anything else. Seems Kaly has kinda been put on hold since the issues with our guild and raiding. I still intend to get her achievements and I do not have any intentions of forgetting her, I think the Horde side is just providing a much needed break. Matt and I are still making a point to hit up ZG every time the cool down is up. Those damn trolls are never going to give that raptor up! Just wait, I will have that mount!!
Seeing things from the Horde side, on a totally new server, has given me a new found excitement in the game. I love tanking! I hope to get enough courage up to actually bring in some real dps soon. Matt and I have been two manning a few Outland instances and I've had a blast. It's been a lot to learn but still a lot of fun. Seeing the quests from the other side is kind of like playing a whole new game.
Reserved the name for my Goblin this weekend. There is a very ugly little troll temporarily holding onto the name "Tinkabella" until the time comes for her to say good-bye and pass it on to my goblin mage. Tinkabella was Matt's suggestion actually. Though I did come up with the name Matt reserved for his Goblin Warlock...Fizzlewreck. So when the Cataclysm hits...Fiz and Tink will be ready to pew pew some bad guys!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
In preperation...
of Cataclysm!!
So, over the last few days, after hearing the announcement, I've been mentally making a list of the things I want to get done over the next 12 - 18 months before the expansion is released and the world of WoW is changed. I read in an article today, that the changes to the zones will be across the board. Even without the expansion the destruction will forever change the look of the game. It also mentioned that these changes would come before the expansion, in patch 4.0 and create a month long chain of events leading up to the expansion. That would be similar to the attack of the scourge before Wrath came out. For those of you that are interested, you can find the article here.
But on to my point. Since the article states that a lot of the achievements will no longer be obtainable. I am glad I made the plans to get the ones I think will be going away. From my opinion, these are the ones I am focusing on, since I have a feeling, that a lot of the factions, dungeons and raids will be effected/removed. *Shudder* Before anyone goes freaking out on me, this is just my opinion and I'm not saying that Blizzard is going to take things away....just that there is a possibility and I would rather be safe..then sorry later that I can't get those achievements anymore.
So my list of achievements and things to do:
1. Kill Onyxia and do the 60 head quest - She is being vamped up to 80 in November
2. Classic Dungeonmaster Achievement
3. Explore Eastern Kingdoms Achievement
4. Explore Kalimdor Achievement
5. Classic Raider Achievement
6. The Argent Dawn Achievement
7. They Love Me In That Tunnel Achievement
8. Hero of the Zandalar Tribe Achievement
9. Brood of Nozdormu Achievement
10. Hydraxian Waterlords Achievement - Don't care about doing this since it's one of the hardest grinds in the game but listed anyway.
11. Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber - I'd love to have this..IF...the grind fits in before the xpac comes out, since it's not very popular I can see Blizz taking this faction grind away.
12. Level my horde DK to 80.
13. Level my Shammy from 71 - 80.
14. Level my Druid from 71 - 80.
15. Level a horde toon from 1 - 80. I'm up in the air on this. I hate to miss the story line, never seeing the lore from that side but I am torn on wanting to level another toon.
Well, there it is. My unbelievable list. I know I may never get all this stuff in, and that I will possibly add to it. But it's the things I'd like to do. So we'll see how it comes out. I do have about 18 months to complete it.
So, over the last few days, after hearing the announcement, I've been mentally making a list of the things I want to get done over the next 12 - 18 months before the expansion is released and the world of WoW is changed. I read in an article today, that the changes to the zones will be across the board. Even without the expansion the destruction will forever change the look of the game. It also mentioned that these changes would come before the expansion, in patch 4.0 and create a month long chain of events leading up to the expansion. That would be similar to the attack of the scourge before Wrath came out. For those of you that are interested, you can find the article here.
But on to my point. Since the article states that a lot of the achievements will no longer be obtainable. I am glad I made the plans to get the ones I think will be going away. From my opinion, these are the ones I am focusing on, since I have a feeling, that a lot of the factions, dungeons and raids will be effected/removed. *Shudder* Before anyone goes freaking out on me, this is just my opinion and I'm not saying that Blizzard is going to take things away....just that there is a possibility and I would rather be safe..then sorry later that I can't get those achievements anymore.
So my list of achievements and things to do:
1. Kill Onyxia and do the 60 head quest - She is being vamped up to 80 in November
2. Classic Dungeonmaster Achievement
3. Explore Eastern Kingdoms Achievement
4. Explore Kalimdor Achievement
5. Classic Raider Achievement
6. The Argent Dawn Achievement
7. They Love Me In That Tunnel Achievement
8. Hero of the Zandalar Tribe Achievement
9. Brood of Nozdormu Achievement
10. Hydraxian Waterlords Achievement - Don't care about doing this since it's one of the hardest grinds in the game but listed anyway.
11. Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber - I'd love to have this..IF...the grind fits in before the xpac comes out, since it's not very popular I can see Blizz taking this faction grind away.
12. Level my horde DK to 80.
13. Level my Shammy from 71 - 80.
14. Level my Druid from 71 - 80.
15. Level a horde toon from 1 - 80. I'm up in the air on this. I hate to miss the story line, never seeing the lore from that side but I am torn on wanting to level another toon.
Well, there it is. My unbelievable list. I know I may never get all this stuff in, and that I will possibly add to it. But it's the things I'd like to do. So we'll see how it comes out. I do have about 18 months to complete it.
Bucket List,
Monday, August 24, 2009
Blizzcon 2009
It was one of the best weekends I've had in a long time.
So much excitement, fun and relaxation.
Blizzcon 2009 - Blizzcon is a two day event, held yearly in Anaheim California dedicated to all things Blizzard. My main interest in it...World of Warcraft of course. Since Matt and I couldn't actually afford to attend in person this year, we decided to purchase the 16+ hours of live internet feed. Mainly because I get the GRUNTY, the Murloc Marine pet. But am I so glad that we did. Even without the pet, this years Blizzcon proved to be nothing short of Cataclysmic. Hehe, yeah I went there.
Within the opening ceremonies of the 2 day event, Blizzard popped their first big announcement on WoW fans. The name of the next expansion pack set to hit Azeroth sometime late 2010. (That's an estimated date, as always so no one hold me to it). I'll admit, I'm even more excited about the release of Cataclysm then I ever was about Wrath of the Litch King.
The story basically pans out that Deathwing, who has been existing in the elemental plain deep within the core of the earth has broken free, set to wreak havoc on the world of Azeroth. In the process of this, many natural disasters defile the face of existence as we know it. The look and feel of our homeland (virtually of course) is forever changed. Things that were once lush and beautiful places are now scorched beyond recognition. Places that once could house very little life, regrow anew. Thus changing everything about the game.
Don't get me wrong, I'm always excited to see any new content...but this one blows me away.
So on to some of the key points that I'm most interested in:
New Races!!! That's right; WoW is going to receive two new races in this expansion. The Goblins, being my personal favorite, even though they will be Horde. And the Alliance will proudly welcome Worgen to their ranks. This did come as a pretty big shock to me. Not that these are the races but that they are factioned the way they are. Goblins are more..cute, so naturally I assumed they would be the Alliance. Where Worgen are dark and sinister so of course seem like Horde races. But regardless, I am very excited to play both. There aren't going to be any new classes introduced in this expansion so the goblins and the worgens will have to fit into the existing structure. Filling such roles as mage, warlocks, warriors and priest, among others. There will also be new race/class configurations...a couple mentioned: gnome priests, human hunters, tauren paladins, troll druids. It will be fun to see the new story line associated with this.
New Profession!! A new secondary profession is being added, that all players will be allowed to learn. Archaeology will allow us to uncover and discover new artifices that give unique rewards and benefits. One of those mentioned in the panel discussion was an instant teleport to specific dungeons. As if we had discovered and underground passage that we could use. There wasn't much said, in detail about this profession, except that it will be a secondary one, such as cooking and fishing. They are planning a new quest line that will tie in with it, open to all max level characters, called "Path of the Titans". This is supposed to allow us to choose how we can uniquely customize our characters. Such as allowing us to receive a lower durability lose, etc, based on the paths we choose. Finally something new to play towards even after max level gain, other then just raiding. It was also hinted at that it would lead to things such as special pets and mounts. That is enough to get me interested!
Level Cap: The new level cap for this expansion is only going to 85, down from the normal 10 level increase per expansion. This was a shocker. Though I am sure they will lower the amount of xp given from 80 - 85, thus making it about equal to the normal 10 level grind.
Sunken City of Vashj'ir!! A zone totally under water! I know, I know, everyone hates games where you have to try to maneuver in a swimming style. But Blizzard promises this is not a normal swimmer style zone. While on the bottom you will walk and function normally, just having the ability to swim up as well. Also they have announced there will be new underwater mounts, which is totally exciting by itself. The screen shots of the dungeons are beautiful. This is one of the places I can't wait to see. There will be 7 new zones in all. Including the new starting area for the Worgen and Goblins. The most exciting part is that all the original zones in the game are being redesigned. Nothing will be as we know it now. The only area's void of this change will be Outlands and Northrend, who feel little to no effect from the cataclysm.
FLYING IN AZEROTH!! Yep you hear it right, we will be able to fly everywhere. All zones will be open to our flying mounts. No statement was made if people will be able to fly earlier then the already lowered level 60 standard. The only thing mentioned was that they want to keep it so that flying feels like a reward and not a "give me". I do hope this means we won't see level 20s flying around Azeroth with those of us that pounded our way to 70 before getting to fly.
Guild Advancement! This is a totally crazy concept. But basically, guilds will level up, just like characters. The guild will progress with its members, gaining its own type of "talent tree" that allows the guild to purchase special benefits such as mass resurrection and lower durability lose, etc. Some of this sounds totally awesome. They are adding a new ability that will allow guilds to make money for their bank. By having a full guild raid/instance, you can get an additional 5% gold drop that goes straight to the guild bank. Thus allowing the guild to make money without relying on its members to give to the bank. There is so much going on for guilds in this expansion that it almost makes me want to revive my lost guild and have a go at it again, just to have a new toy to play with.
Cross Server LFG: So this is actually supposed to come in patch 3.3.0. It will allow you to find members for your PUG from servers based on your battleground grouping. This is probably one of the better ideas Blizzard has shown. For those servers who population for the most part doesn't put, this is awesome. My horde toons on Brozebeard will appreciate this.
Ony Remade: My favorite in game dragon is being brought back. Onyxia will be revamped and raised to level 80 for Blizzards 5 year anniversary. This is another change coming pre expansion. We should see this sometime in November. And just as we got the baby blizzard bear, we can now get a baby ony as our anniversary gift! So very excited.
Well I think I could go on and on about the stuff I learned from Blizzcon, but I'll leave it here for now and update as I learn more.
So much excitement, fun and relaxation.
Blizzcon 2009 - Blizzcon is a two day event, held yearly in Anaheim California dedicated to all things Blizzard. My main interest in it...World of Warcraft of course. Since Matt and I couldn't actually afford to attend in person this year, we decided to purchase the 16+ hours of live internet feed. Mainly because I get the GRUNTY, the Murloc Marine pet. But am I so glad that we did. Even without the pet, this years Blizzcon proved to be nothing short of Cataclysmic. Hehe, yeah I went there.
Within the opening ceremonies of the 2 day event, Blizzard popped their first big announcement on WoW fans. The name of the next expansion pack set to hit Azeroth sometime late 2010. (That's an estimated date, as always so no one hold me to it). I'll admit, I'm even more excited about the release of Cataclysm then I ever was about Wrath of the Litch King.
The story basically pans out that Deathwing, who has been existing in the elemental plain deep within the core of the earth has broken free, set to wreak havoc on the world of Azeroth. In the process of this, many natural disasters defile the face of existence as we know it. The look and feel of our homeland (virtually of course) is forever changed. Things that were once lush and beautiful places are now scorched beyond recognition. Places that once could house very little life, regrow anew. Thus changing everything about the game.
Don't get me wrong, I'm always excited to see any new content...but this one blows me away.
So on to some of the key points that I'm most interested in:
New Races!!! That's right; WoW is going to receive two new races in this expansion. The Goblins, being my personal favorite, even though they will be Horde. And the Alliance will proudly welcome Worgen to their ranks. This did come as a pretty big shock to me. Not that these are the races but that they are factioned the way they are. Goblins are more..cute, so naturally I assumed they would be the Alliance. Where Worgen are dark and sinister so of course seem like Horde races. But regardless, I am very excited to play both. There aren't going to be any new classes introduced in this expansion so the goblins and the worgens will have to fit into the existing structure. Filling such roles as mage, warlocks, warriors and priest, among others. There will also be new race/class configurations...a couple mentioned: gnome priests, human hunters, tauren paladins, troll druids. It will be fun to see the new story line associated with this.
New Profession!! A new secondary profession is being added, that all players will be allowed to learn. Archaeology will allow us to uncover and discover new artifices that give unique rewards and benefits. One of those mentioned in the panel discussion was an instant teleport to specific dungeons. As if we had discovered and underground passage that we could use. There wasn't much said, in detail about this profession, except that it will be a secondary one, such as cooking and fishing. They are planning a new quest line that will tie in with it, open to all max level characters, called "Path of the Titans". This is supposed to allow us to choose how we can uniquely customize our characters. Such as allowing us to receive a lower durability lose, etc, based on the paths we choose. Finally something new to play towards even after max level gain, other then just raiding. It was also hinted at that it would lead to things such as special pets and mounts. That is enough to get me interested!
Level Cap: The new level cap for this expansion is only going to 85, down from the normal 10 level increase per expansion. This was a shocker. Though I am sure they will lower the amount of xp given from 80 - 85, thus making it about equal to the normal 10 level grind.
Sunken City of Vashj'ir!! A zone totally under water! I know, I know, everyone hates games where you have to try to maneuver in a swimming style. But Blizzard promises this is not a normal swimmer style zone. While on the bottom you will walk and function normally, just having the ability to swim up as well. Also they have announced there will be new underwater mounts, which is totally exciting by itself. The screen shots of the dungeons are beautiful. This is one of the places I can't wait to see. There will be 7 new zones in all. Including the new starting area for the Worgen and Goblins. The most exciting part is that all the original zones in the game are being redesigned. Nothing will be as we know it now. The only area's void of this change will be Outlands and Northrend, who feel little to no effect from the cataclysm.
FLYING IN AZEROTH!! Yep you hear it right, we will be able to fly everywhere. All zones will be open to our flying mounts. No statement was made if people will be able to fly earlier then the already lowered level 60 standard. The only thing mentioned was that they want to keep it so that flying feels like a reward and not a "give me". I do hope this means we won't see level 20s flying around Azeroth with those of us that pounded our way to 70 before getting to fly.
Guild Advancement! This is a totally crazy concept. But basically, guilds will level up, just like characters. The guild will progress with its members, gaining its own type of "talent tree" that allows the guild to purchase special benefits such as mass resurrection and lower durability lose, etc. Some of this sounds totally awesome. They are adding a new ability that will allow guilds to make money for their bank. By having a full guild raid/instance, you can get an additional 5% gold drop that goes straight to the guild bank. Thus allowing the guild to make money without relying on its members to give to the bank. There is so much going on for guilds in this expansion that it almost makes me want to revive my lost guild and have a go at it again, just to have a new toy to play with.
Cross Server LFG: So this is actually supposed to come in patch 3.3.0. It will allow you to find members for your PUG from servers based on your battleground grouping. This is probably one of the better ideas Blizzard has shown. For those servers who population for the most part doesn't put, this is awesome. My horde toons on Brozebeard will appreciate this.
Ony Remade: My favorite in game dragon is being brought back. Onyxia will be revamped and raised to level 80 for Blizzards 5 year anniversary. This is another change coming pre expansion. We should see this sometime in November. And just as we got the baby blizzard bear, we can now get a baby ony as our anniversary gift! So very excited.
Well I think I could go on and on about the stuff I learned from Blizzcon, but I'll leave it here for now and update as I learn more.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Talk about feeling useless.
Ran my first Ulduar 10 raid with the guild last night. It was..horrible. I don't think I can find a word strong enough to express how bad it really was. I spent the entire 3 hours, so totally confused, upset and lost. It's probably the only time I've played the game and felt like I honestly..did not belong there. Felt like more of a hindrance then anything else. Felt like I was being carried. Which I probably was. I spent a large amount of the raid dead. I wasn't ready for that, I'm not sure I will ever be ready for that. Just when I thought I had found a niche that I was kinda good at...that group proves me so totally wrong. I wish I could blame it on something simple, such as my gear...but I can't, my gear isn't bad. I could blame it on my spec...demonology locks aren't known to push out high dps numbers but they are sure as hell known to push higher then the 2000 average dps I was doing. Seriously, a lock geared as well as I am and I can't pull anything more then that. But oh, it's ok...I'm offering a raid buff...yeah right. I'm suppose to be....even that wasn't popping like it was suppose to. My normal 90ish percent up time on demon probably wasn't even up 40% of the time last night.
I can't say I enjoyed any part of that raid. Well maybe, I understand and enjoy the Flame Leviathan fight. But, hell, who wouldn't? Your DPS doesn't matter there, your damage comes from a vehicle you control, not your own build. Ride around on a bike and drop oil slicks on the ground. How freaking hard is that? Any idiot can manage that.
Ignis - Dead
Dragon - Dead
XT - Dead
Rock guy - Dead
Robot guy - Dead (twice) within the first 20 seconds of the fight.
Cat Lady - I lived through that one
Used - 2 battle rez
Tell me I was doing anything but taking up space....*sigh*
Ran my first Ulduar 10 raid with the guild last night. It was..horrible. I don't think I can find a word strong enough to express how bad it really was. I spent the entire 3 hours, so totally confused, upset and lost. It's probably the only time I've played the game and felt like I honestly..did not belong there. Felt like more of a hindrance then anything else. Felt like I was being carried. Which I probably was. I spent a large amount of the raid dead. I wasn't ready for that, I'm not sure I will ever be ready for that. Just when I thought I had found a niche that I was kinda good at...that group proves me so totally wrong. I wish I could blame it on something simple, such as my gear...but I can't, my gear isn't bad. I could blame it on my spec...demonology locks aren't known to push out high dps numbers but they are sure as hell known to push higher then the 2000 average dps I was doing. Seriously, a lock geared as well as I am and I can't pull anything more then that. But oh, it's ok...I'm offering a raid buff...yeah right. I'm suppose to be....even that wasn't popping like it was suppose to. My normal 90ish percent up time on demon probably wasn't even up 40% of the time last night.
I can't say I enjoyed any part of that raid. Well maybe, I understand and enjoy the Flame Leviathan fight. But, hell, who wouldn't? Your DPS doesn't matter there, your damage comes from a vehicle you control, not your own build. Ride around on a bike and drop oil slicks on the ground. How freaking hard is that? Any idiot can manage that.
Ignis - Dead
Dragon - Dead
XT - Dead
Rock guy - Dead
Robot guy - Dead (twice) within the first 20 seconds of the fight.
Cat Lady - I lived through that one
Used - 2 battle rez
Tell me I was doing anything but taking up space....*sigh*
Monday, August 10, 2009
We got our first invite to Ulduar!! No...seriously, we did!! And on 25 man no less! Though neither of us came out with any good loot, it was a lot of fun and we did learn a few of the fights. Though I have determined that driving around on a motorcycle trying to spray oil in front of a monster size demolition machine is not nearly as easy as a raid leader makes it sound! We were able to down Flame Leviathan on our second try and the next 3 bosses were a piece of cake. If my computer going on the fritz and lagging out due to the overload of graphics is considered "a piece of cake".
The latest patch as apparently done something to my DPS numbers for my demonology spec. Though I can't exactly determine what has happened, I have watched my already low (compared to locks of any other guild) drop. Trying to determine what has caused this unfortunate turn of events has been a headache. Thankfully, I have a baby that love technicalities and has been trying to figure that out for me. =) I'm trying a new build tonight in our guild Naxx10 run at his request. So we'll see if that will help any.
Life in the new guild is going pretty well. Though i have determined, that much the same as any other guild, LC included, this guild also has it's "cliques". That saddens me to a degree but I guess it's the same in game as in life, people have their favorites.
The latest patch as apparently done something to my DPS numbers for my demonology spec. Though I can't exactly determine what has happened, I have watched my already low (compared to locks of any other guild) drop. Trying to determine what has caused this unfortunate turn of events has been a headache. Thankfully, I have a baby that love technicalities and has been trying to figure that out for me. =) I'm trying a new build tonight in our guild Naxx10 run at his request. So we'll see if that will help any.
Life in the new guild is going pretty well. Though i have determined, that much the same as any other guild, LC included, this guild also has it's "cliques". That saddens me to a degree but I guess it's the same in game as in life, people have their favorites.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Patch Plans
ohhhh, yay!! It's Patch Day!
So what are my plans for tonight...hehehe...
1. Run quickly to visit Breanni at the pet shop and buy my raptor hatchling! It's a RAPTOR!! *happy dance*
2. Play catch with my raptor hatchling squee at how cute he is!
3. Ninja my new children’s week pet!!!
4. Play catch with the wolvar and squee over how cute he is!!!!!
5. Find the new “engineer only” AH in Dalaran and protest.. /cry and walk away
6. Open up my inventory and stack all the crazy alch potions into 20 stacks, squee some more!!
7. Pick up my cooking and fishing dailies and pray to be a wondrous recipient of the new "slight chance” of receiving a “waterlogged” cookbook in my fishing bag!
8. Trot happily off to the cold weather flying trainer and pick up TWO books to send to Ali and Kalyista. More Squees!!
9. Hope on my druid and prance around in my beautiful new fancy sexy kitty skin! Squee, squee, squeeeeeeeeee!!!
10. Fly to the Argent Tournament grounds, disable Icecrown general chat to avoid the “zomg, how do I do “X” quest” (insert new quest name) while I check out x quest and “zomg, baby, how do I do this quest!”, hehehe!
11. Summon my Squire and have him run an errand to the bank to get a potion, never know I might need it! Just because I can!!! Oooh, ahhhh!
12. Run the new 5 man dungeon!
13. Run the daily heroic for new emblems!!! Fancy trinky…*drool*
14. Run heroics and more heroics and a few more for good measure – T8 pleaseeeee!
15. Cuss, yell and scream at the computer cause my UI is not working properly. *sigh*
16. Say farewell to Carbonite…you have been a good in peace
17. Sneak into the new 40 man PvP, attempt to melt face, die shamelessly, rinse and repeat, then run away…”Ok saw enough of the PvP”
18. Cast lifetap and squee over my new 40 second increase SP buff!!
19. Start the, I’m sure, horrible quest chain to learn to transmute the new gem for my baby.
20. Complain with my guildies about how horrible x, y and z are and how Blizz "should" be doing this, this and that instead!
Oh, yay! The wonders of Patch Day!!!Happy Patching to my follow WoW'ers!
So what are my plans for tonight...hehehe...
1. Run quickly to visit Breanni at the pet shop and buy my raptor hatchling! It's a RAPTOR!! *happy dance*
2. Play catch with my raptor hatchling squee at how cute he is!
3. Ninja my new children’s week pet!!!
4. Play catch with the wolvar and squee over how cute he is!!!!!
5. Find the new “engineer only” AH in Dalaran and protest.. /cry and walk away
6. Open up my inventory and stack all the crazy alch potions into 20 stacks, squee some more!!
7. Pick up my cooking and fishing dailies and pray to be a wondrous recipient of the new "slight chance” of receiving a “waterlogged” cookbook in my fishing bag!
8. Trot happily off to the cold weather flying trainer and pick up TWO books to send to Ali and Kalyista. More Squees!!
9. Hope on my druid and prance around in my beautiful new fancy sexy kitty skin! Squee, squee, squeeeeeeeeee!!!
10. Fly to the Argent Tournament grounds, disable Icecrown general chat to avoid the “zomg, how do I do “X” quest” (insert new quest name) while I check out x quest and “zomg, baby, how do I do this quest!”, hehehe!
11. Summon my Squire and have him run an errand to the bank to get a potion, never know I might need it! Just because I can!!! Oooh, ahhhh!
12. Run the new 5 man dungeon!
13. Run the daily heroic for new emblems!!! Fancy trinky…*drool*
14. Run heroics and more heroics and a few more for good measure – T8 pleaseeeee!
15. Cuss, yell and scream at the computer cause my UI is not working properly. *sigh*
16. Say farewell to Carbonite…you have been a good in peace
17. Sneak into the new 40 man PvP, attempt to melt face, die shamelessly, rinse and repeat, then run away…”Ok saw enough of the PvP”
18. Cast lifetap and squee over my new 40 second increase SP buff!!
19. Start the, I’m sure, horrible quest chain to learn to transmute the new gem for my baby.
20. Complain with my guildies about how horrible x, y and z are and how Blizz "should" be doing this, this and that instead!
Oh, yay! The wonders of Patch Day!!!Happy Patching to my follow WoW'ers!
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