ohhhh, yay!! It's Patch Day!
So what are my plans for tonight...hehehe...
1. Run quickly to visit Breanni at the pet shop and buy my raptor hatchling! It's a RAPTOR!! *happy dance*
2. Play catch with my raptor hatchling squee at how cute he is!
3. Ninja my new children’s week pet!!!
4. Play catch with the wolvar and squee over how cute he is!!!!!
5. Find the new “engineer only” AH in Dalaran and protest.. /cry and walk away
6. Open up my inventory and stack all the crazy alch potions into 20 stacks, squee some more!!
7. Pick up my cooking and fishing dailies and pray to be a wondrous recipient of the new "slight chance” of receiving a “waterlogged” cookbook in my fishing bag!
8. Trot happily off to the cold weather flying trainer and pick up TWO books to send to Ali and Kalyista. More Squees!!
9. Hope on my druid and prance around in my beautiful new fancy sexy kitty skin! Squee, squee, squeeeeeeeeee!!!
10. Fly to the Argent Tournament grounds, disable Icecrown general chat to avoid the “zomg, how do I do “X” quest” (insert new quest name) while I check out x quest and “zomg, baby, how do I do this quest!”, hehehe!
11. Summon my Squire and have him run an errand to the bank to get a potion, never know I might need it! Just because I can!!! Oooh, ahhhh!
12. Run the new 5 man dungeon!
13. Run the daily heroic for new emblems!!! Fancy trinky…*drool*
14. Run heroics and more heroics and a few more for good measure – T8 pleaseeeee!
15. Cuss, yell and scream at the computer cause my UI is not working properly. *sigh*
16. Say farewell to Carbonite…you have been a good friend..rest in peace
17. Sneak into the new 40 man PvP, attempt to melt face, die shamelessly, rinse and repeat, then run away…”Ok saw enough of the PvP”
18. Cast lifetap and squee over my new 40 second increase SP buff!!
19. Start the, I’m sure, horrible quest chain to learn to transmute the new gem for my baby.
20. Complain with my guildies about how horrible x, y and z are and how Blizz "should" be doing this, this and that instead!
Oh, yay! The wonders of Patch Day!!!Happy Patching to my follow WoW'ers!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
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