Ulduar last night didn't go so well.
This was the weekly raid group, Horde side, that Eto and I were approached to join. A little background information on this group may be helpful. It's a new guild leader, never before raid leader, trying to build a raiding guild. As we all know, if you read my blog, recruitment on Horde side is a pain in the ass since there are so many new guilds.
Anyway, we pick up group and the RL starts inviting the 6 people that signed up to attend. The OT was suppose to be another Dk that we had ran Ony with the week prior. Well he informs the DK that she could DPS tonight since Oingaboinga was going to come along to tank. Oingaboinga was the warrior tank the RL had told us about before. He joined his guild, yada, yada, yada Well a couple days after joining the RL's guild, Oingaboinga did a ninja quit to join another entry level raiding guild.
So I said whatever and went about my business fishing stuff for Eto to make Fish Feasts for the raid. A couple minutes later Oinga joins the group and automatically starts instructing the RL on what classes we "must" have and advises that getting a Bear or Paladin MT needs to happen and no more DK dps.
Well, I politely advise that I am not DPS and if he is a tank then we don't need anymore tanks. This turns into a huge one way debate on his part about how we must have a druid, a paladin and a priest in the party cause we can't do Ulduar without their buffs. I switch from my fishing pole to my tank weapon to bring my health back to it's normal unbuffed state and kindly advise we are geared well enough for entry level Ulduar and that this is a pug and we can't be super picky on what classes we accept.
In the mean time the RL invites another Shaman to join the party. Oinga asks if he's DPS and is informed no he's a healer. The "I'm too awesome for you" warrior attitude continues to get worse and he insists having two of the same class healer is a waste of space so the RL boots the shaman from group...YES HE BOOTED HIM!
I was shocked. I don't even think shocked is the right word for it. Seriously, we just turned away a well geared healer because Mr. I'mtooGood thinks having two shaman healers is stupid?
Next strike against the warrior, he begins debating that the two healers we have, a priest and a shaman, need to be party heals and that we have to bring in a Paladin for MT healing. *sigh* This is what really gets me started.
I can't stand a know-it-all in the group that thinks he know exactly how every single class plays and stereotypes them based on their class. "A shaman is not MT heals, cause they can chain heal..he's on party". "A holy priest is not built for MT healing, he's on party".
Again, I advise that my holy priest does awesome at MT healing and if you don't' play the class don't assume you know what the person is good at. When it comes down to it, the class build plays a minor part in the performance of the player, yes. But in the end, it's really what the player is use to doing.
I have always healed MT as holy. Yes, my mana conservation is not as great as a Disc priest. My damage mitigation to the tank is not as awesome but I know how to conserve my mana and when to start healing the tank. Priests drop huge heals all at one time. If we know how to time those heals with our HoTs, they are better spent on a tank then tossing around in party.
This debate continues on and on, while the warrior continues to insist we get a Druid (boomkin, he doesn't want a druid healer) and a Paladin (for healing not for DPS). Now it doesn't' matter what position in the group those two classes play if you're wanting them simply for their buffs.
My entire point in this whole argument was that the group is a 100% pug. We don't have the room to ensure that we have only one of every class in the group. If we have two shaman, two druids or two DKs, so be it. As long as we have the numbers to down the bosses and keep moving, it really doesn't matter. If your gear is so dependant on the buffs of other players that you can't preform with out them...YOU DON'T NEED TO BE IN A ULDUAR PUG!
If the truth be known, which I never brought up, Oninga's gear score was only 480. He was the lowest scored member in the raid. Yes he had stamina. He had 1000 more health unbuffed then I did. But if you're valuing health over other stats, you have a more serious problem then getting paladin auras and druid buffs in the raid.
Needless to say, I politely excused myself from the raid group, wished them all luck and went back to playing my lowbie Alliance hunter.
I play this game to have fun, not to listen to a big headed, bossy ass, want-to-be raid leader turn my fun game into a job.
Wanna know what really gets me pissed off...assumptions. If you don't know the class, don't play the class and don't know the player...don't assume cause you're making and ass out of yourself!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
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I will confess I know a lot less about warrior tanks, but am leveling one currently [level 62 atm], but I have a pally tank, druidtank, and of course my dk tank.
His hit rating is low. His expertise is capped. His defense is capped but his block is abysmally low. The reason his health is so high? Two brewfest trinkets.
And based on achievements... he MUST be an alt... um.. has to be.
As for healers, in guild, we like to have a variety, but if we have 3 shaman healers and 3 druids for a 25 man, no big deal. I've even heard of a 10 man group that had 3 pally healers and made it work in ulduar... not ideal definitely... but few things are.
Good to hear that you dropped the group instead of wasting a whole night to infuriating wipes, at least!
L2raid, Kaly. Fer realz.
Being nosy, I looked the guy up on the armoury. Regardless of gear score, he's perfectly ready for Ulduar; I solotanked more than what most PuGs reach with less. But really, joining a group and then demanding the raid leader do this, that and the other? How do people end up believing that to be acceptable?
What horrified me even more is that the raid leader booted that shaman because of this guy's complaints. Just what. =/
I agree Aelystriel. I didn't doubt his ability to tank it, nor mine. Simply had to bite my tongue to preventing pointing out that his gear score was lower then the people he was rejecting.
Makes me more angry that the RL was willing to boot people based on his demands.
After all, if he's trying to build the "perfect raid" a pug isn't the best place to do that. Not to mention the way they treated other players.
Very sad. =(
Sedge: I still want to smack you! <3
My main is a resto shaman and I am the raid leader for my guild. This story made my stomach turn! Elitism is my #1 pet peeve in WoW, I am also glad you left the group.
If Oingo reads this, I would like him/her to know that we chain heal to proc a talent that increases the haste on our big heal as well as increases the crit on our smaller heal which in turn will mitigate damage on the target. We are rock solid MT and raid healers!
I lol'd when I read that he didn't want two shamans and was thinking of missing buffs. Each shaman has 4 interchangable buffs FFS.
Just say no to PUGs! Hugs not PUGs. ;-)
I have lots of love for my pocket shammy. You guys are awesome heals reguardless of tank or party!
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