So it seems I didn't spend much time in the game this weekend. Think I'm starting to hit the burnout wall again. Actually, I'm pretty sure of this since this is not the first time I've mentioned it here.
Honestly, I don't think I played more then an hour or three over the entire course of my 3 day weekend.
Most of my time was spent playing my baby Hunter. She's been my "project" since I started the game, nearly 3 years ago. She was my first toon and is now proudly sitting at level 56. It's not that I don't like her, just that I changed servers, changed toons and jumped around so many times that I completely forgot about her for awhile. Since moving her to Shadow Council, I've found a new interest in her.
I think part of my problem is she is in the dreaded "between zone" levels. I hate the 55+ zones in the old world but she's too low to go to Outlands yet. *sigh*
Anyway...I've learned this weekend that don't enjoy playing the game nearly as much as I use to when I play alone. I've gotten so use to playing with Eto that solo play is just not as interesting.
I've realized, Elemental Shaman are unGodly awesome. The one in my H-CoS pug last night was pulling 3500+ DPS!
I've realized that tanking gets really boring when you're doing the same things over and over and over again.
I've realized, I'M READY FOR SOMETHING NEW! Give me new content already. How many times can I possibly run the same instances over and over? How many Alts can I level before I want to scratch my eyes out?
So tell me...what is everyone doing lately to help them through the rut between content patches? Help me find something new and exciting to work on before I loose interest in my beloved game!
Monday, November 16, 2009
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Awww, no responses for anti-burnout ideas yet?
Let's see...I have been leveling an alt too, paladin. He's not guilded so it is where I go when I want to be left alone. But the real fun is trying to make some money with inscription. He is level 35 and it is a skill that allows you to craft some things that lvl 80s need. My real goal is to easily afford 8 Crusader Orbs for a craftable item for my resto shaman. ;)
I have joined the money making wagon. Though I am currently sitting on about 20,000g that I can't decide what to do with it.
Stockpile for the Goblin!!!
My latest adventures are in 2 manning old raid content. We'll see how ZA goes, that's our latest goal anyway.
Inscription I hear makes a lot of money for you. Keep me posted on how the money making goes!
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