This post spawns from a WoW_ladies post I was reading earlier.
Our Intrepid Heroes
[1:] Who/what are your mains?
Kalyara, my 80 Death Knight, frost tank would be classified as my "main" as I write this. The beginning of the year, I would have said my 80 human warlock. This saddens me a little since she is Alliance side and I am now Horde.
[2:] Which alts were your favorite this year?
Kalyara started off as an alt so I would say she was pretty popular since she is now my main. As for this currently moment, my 80 priest coming out of retirement and my 72 Elemental Shaman are my favs.
[3:] How many characters did you get to 60? 70? 80?
2 - My DK and my priest. My lovely warlock hit 80 before Jan 2009.
[4:] What character are you most proud of and why?
Kalyara, simply because anyone that knows me, knows I rarely see things through before getting bored and moving on. To have an 80 tank, sitting where she is now is a major accomplishment for me. I have a tank that is geared to play all the way through ICC10, that's something amazing.
Earlier in the year I would have said my lock because I was working so hard on her achievements. But that has since stopped.
Around Azeroth
[5:] What was your biggest/most memorable achievement(s) this year? What was the most painful?
My biggest achievement...hmmmm. As silly as it sounds, I'd have to say it was learning to be a "good tank". When I say good, I mean the kind that people rarely complain about. I take pride in proving people wrong when they classify all DKS as "dumb knights".
My most painful...the breakup of Last Call. This is still a touchy subject for me.
[6:] What has been the most fun raid/pve fight so far in WotLK?
Heh. Not easy for me to choose just one. I love Heigan, I know I'm crazy but he's probably my all time favorite fight in the game. Followed very closely by Hodir, Thaddius and Ony.
[7:] What was your favorite quest/questchain?
Wrathgate...what else do I need to say?
[8:] A lot of powerful lore has been introduced in this expansion. Any favorite bits?
The battle for Undercity and Wrathgate. I love the lore here.
[9:] The rise of the Lich King has changed Azeroth and its people so much. Who's your favorite NPC(s) in this expansion?
Lady Sylvanas, hands down. Being a Ali only girl, I knew nothing about her before joining the Horde. But she's a very awesome, very strong female figure in the game and I love her!
[10:] Which in-game holiday was the most fun this year?
Mid-Summer Fire Festival, Eto and I did this one together. It holds the best memories.
Friends and Enemies
[11:] Did you change guilds this year? If so why?
I did, twice. When Last Call finally closed its doors back in April, Eto and I joined Whispers of the Fallen on our Alliance toons. We loved the guild, loved the people but were never really happy. Soon we moved over to the Horde side and joined a guild with some old friends Eto knew when he first started playing 3 years ago. Still we were never satisfied. So we moved our Horde toons to Shadow Council and formed Faded Delusions. We've finally found our home and some great friends with it.
[12:] What was your guild's biggest/proudest accomplishment this year?
Too many guilds this year to determine the answer to this...
[13:] Did you make a lot of new friends? Any mortal enemies?
I have made some awesome new friends. All the new members of Faded Delusions have fast become family to me.
[14:] Any fun or memorable PVP encounters?
Ahhh, I hate PvP! =)
Looking Ahead
[15:] What changes are you most excited for in Cataclysm?
Wow, I don't think I have enough time to list the answers to this. The guild changes, GOBLINS!, flying in Azeroth...just to name a few.
[16:] Which new race/class combos are you going to roll? Got any names yet?
Tinkabell (my current Horde bank) is name holding for my adorable Goblin Mage! The one class I have left to play and I'm saving it for my Goblin. Would love to roll a Worgen but that will be a ways down the road I'm sure.
[17:] Where do you see your character in the next few months?
Wherever they are I'll be happy. Hopefully, Kalyara will see the inside of ICC and the growth of Faded Delusions.
Happy New Year everyone. I hope it finds you happy, healthy and surrounded by friends and family.
Here's to another great year and the hope for a Cataclysm!
Monday, January 4, 2010
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