I have officially determined the new LFG system has a few major perks and a major downfalls.
1 - I can pug a random heroic or dungeon and have little to no wait time. I think the longest I've waited for a group is 1 minutes 12 seconds.
2 - Easy way to gain extra emblems. Gaining 2 extra emblems on every heroic as long as you do random is crazy! That makes every run 5 - 7 emblems each.
3 - Getting gear is too easy!! I've gotten my second T9 piece and I'm only 19 emblems away from my 3rd. That's with me not really "grinding" the heroics. I do a couple a night then head off to do other things. So, if someone wanted, and I know a couple who have done so, they could have their entire T9 set in just a couple days of long heroic grinds.
4 - The groups are pretty well balanced. I have only had a couple groups where we've had one person be seriously over our gear level or slightly under. Meaning, we've had one or two groups where someone is pulling 2K more dps then everyone else and only 1 or 2 where someone is way under on dps.
5 - Meeting new people!
1 - LFG Random allows idiots to get groups when everyone on their normal server has already blacklisted or put them on ignore. (examples to come)
2 - Getting gear is TOO easy! That's right, it's a pro and a con. I've seen too many people with good gear, good emblem gear, that still don't know how to play their class. Cause you know, gear can only get you so far. If you're decked out in all emblem gear and still only pulling 1K - 1.5K dps, then it's not the gear, is the player.
3 - Everyone thinks their a rock star! Or better yet they get the power of Group Lead and think they are the Almighty. (examples to come)
So, anyone else seeing these things? Don't get me wrong, I love, love, love the new LFG system because it makes getting into chain heroics no longer require you to find 4 other people that want to run them back to back and then waiting 20 - 30 minutes while people afk or while you look for replacements when someone has to go.
Now, as I said LFG seems to be Blizzards way of throwing idiots, who would not normally get to run instances/heroics, off on the rest of us who work our butts off to get where we are and did it by being NICE and knowing how to play. Why do those "idiots" not normally get to run? Because everyone on their server has already put them on ignore, won't run with them, won't guild them, etc.
Why are other players doing this to them? Because those idiots are just that - idiots. They are the mouthy, know-it all, holy-er then thou, rude, abrasive, bossy players that have no clue how to play their class.
To the other extreme, you have those people that have super dps but are only worried about pushing those high numbers and don't care what they have to do to get it. They have no regard to threat at all. They will start their rotation, pop AoE or toss their highest crit attack without waiting to make sure the tank has aggro.
These extremist, in most cases, are worse then the idiots we've found. I've had Paladins pulling 6.5K dps that pay no attention at all to their treat. They will randomly pull mobs, lay the smack down before I even have time to pass pestilence or even mistarget and decide they need to OT one of the mobs. Not to mention the mages and warlocks that will down one target and instead of loosing the proc that will ensure them the massive crits, turn and automatically cast it on a group that I haven't pulled yet, just because it's too important not to loose that boosted arcane barrage or incinerate.
So, we have the extremists and the idiots. Now I won't spend a lot of time on the ones that have just decided that having a random group of people they will never see again means they can be rude and abrasive. Those are the ones that have no courtesy and think that they don't need to watch their language or that downing other players is acceptable. This group is also where we find the "I have the power!" players. These are the ones that got designated party leader in the random build of the group and think that this give them the ability to boss everyone around, pull the mobs and bitch when the tank doesn't pull them off. This is the crazy dps Paladin pulling 896 dps in ToC who took it upon themselves to start every encounter without allowing time for the healer to get mana, etc. Sorry dude, group lead doesn't make you God!
Seriously, people! Just because you're in a random group with other players you are likely to never see again doesn't mean you can act like complete morons! What happened to courtesy and patience? If anything, having the random LFG system should reinforce that. We have to explain these fights, we have to mark the mobs because we're not use to running with each other and I'm not use to your spiky damage that may pull aggro so give me a chance to build up some cushion!
*sigh* Think I'm going to need the ability to ignore more then 50 people Blizz.
Monday, December 14, 2009
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Eh, even on my own server I still find the cutie pies who think they have the right to pull threat because they can... If they do that repeatedly, I'm going to just let them have it. Usually is a self-correcting problem.
The first time I ran Pit of Saron was a random PuG, on the 2nd day of the patch. We got in and this pally says, "run" mounts up and takes off. The other two dps half heartedly follow him while the healer and I stay in place, confused as all get out. We make an effort to mount up and follow after him ourselves but we have no idea where he has gone, why he has gone there, or what he expects to do once he arrives.
Somehow the healer and I ended up in the Quarry (which miraculously allowed us to drop combat) while the 3 dps lay scattered about the Pit in various and sundry places.
Then of course the paladin goes on a tirade about how bad I was for not properly tanking the massive groups of mobs that had followed him--never mind the fact I had no idea where he'd gone.
The most shocking thing about it though? Shortly after he was done with his tirade I found myself back in Ironforge, groupless, emblemless, and pissed. They vote-kicked ME. Not the paladin. Me.
Stupidity is contagious.
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