Looks like on or both, Eto and I, are falling victim to the "oh, meh this is below our content level, we don't really have to try" bug.
What do I mean by this? I'm sure most of you have done it at times too. You go into a heroic or lower level raid that you have done more then a few dozen times and don't pay attention, fly through, over pulling, under healing, being distracted, etc.
Maybe it's because my gear has gone up tremendously or because I'm getting 'too easy to heal' or just because I'm overconfident in myself, but it never fails it seems in at least 1 heroic a night one of us royally screws up.
Last night it seemed to be me. On 2 heroics, UP and HoS, we wiped a total of 4 times. I can't even remember the last time I had a group wipe in a heroic.
Granted, I had never done HoS on heroic because I think that place is the devil, but still..gah! The first wipe was do to a bad pull on my part so I aggro'd 3 groups and the second was a "near" wipe, somehow the mage survived long enough to end the event with the Dwarf. Have I mention I HATE the cooldown on D&D. *sigh*
No, UP I had no excuse for. Both wipes came on the Gauntlet boss. Eto wasn't healing in the beginning we had a druid healer from the guild. Now I may do this differently then most but I run half way, kill the mobs, the gather up the rest and run into the room at the end of the hallway. Because if D&D is on cool down it's easier for me to have the mobs in a confined room so that I can blood boil and pick them up. The druid couldn't see in the room so he stayed outside. We had Eto picking up the harpoons and when he finally got the guy down on the ground the healer was out of mana so we lost the entire group. Rinse and repeat again before Eto switched to his healing gear and we downed the boss with little to no problem.
Sadly, it again puts a doubt in myself and my ability to hold threat. *sigh*
So chalk it up to silly mistakes because we are over confident in ourselves or because we're not paying attention or even because we're tired I suppose, but it's never really a good thing for the ego.
On a bright note, I ran into a guildie from the Alliance side last night on his Horde toon. He is one of the MTs in Whispers of the Fallen on his warrior and also the raid leader. he took the liberty of inspecting my gear and I was pleasantly surprised when I got praise from him. Why did this delight me so? Well awhile back I wrote about how he had politely and kindly implied that my lock's gear wasn't "good enough" to throw at their T9 progression group. So getting compliments on my gear from him was a nice change of pace. He made a couple simple suggestions, like switching out my belt, which I did and tada...Blizzard's LFR Finder says I can queue up for ICC10. You know, if I ever decide I need to commit suicide.
Besides that? We've got 9 of our 10 spots filled for our raid team! Yay! It's possible we might have the 10th spot as well I just need to talk to a guildie to find out if he is going to raid with us. The break down goes like this:
Kalyara - Main Tank (DK)
Kiwalski - Off Tank (Warrior)
Etolani - Tank Heals (Shaman)
Savilla* - Tank Heals (Disc Priest)
Raggy - Party Heals (Druid)
Merkit - Ranged (Warlock)
Shayloah - Ranged (Hunter)
Kat - Melee (Paladin)
Crobin* - Melee (Warrior)
Reyfentasma - Melee (Rogue)
* - These toons are level 65 and very quickly leveling their way up
Happy Tuesday!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
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What do you need to fill out that last spot? Been tempted to roll something and try to level quickly :)
Would love to have a mage but honestly, not too picky, we can take whatever. The mage is really only because I feel sorry for healers without a mage vending machine around! haha
What days does Askevar normally raid on? So far we are blocked out for Mon, Tues and Wed and possibly Friday because a couple other people already raid on these days. So we're looking at maybe a short Thursday night (6 - 9ish server) and then a couple hours on Sunday afternoon/evening.
But as always, this is still up in the air until we get everyone together at the same time to compare notes and schedules and such. =P
How has your treck into ICC been going?
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