What do you mean I have aggro issues? *sigh*
My biggest frustration with my DK at the moment. Don't get me wrong, it's not all the instances, it's not all groups. But it seems the new stuff, H-PoS and HoR are causing me major tanking woes.
Even on normal, Halls of Reflection is causing me aggro issues. The fight is a pain, credit given. But are other tanks having these aggro issues with the waves of trash that come before boss 1 and 2? It seems I can't get and hold aggro on all those mobs for the entire pull.
It goes something like this. Our last group make up was myself, Eto (as enhancement), a disc priest, arms warrior and a mage (sorry don't remember the spec). We did everything we were suppose to. Ran into the corner on the left. The mobs would make their way to us, I'd drop Death and Decay, toss out a Howling Blast to try to give a little extra glue to the mix, then start my normal rotation. Icy Touch, Plague Strike and then pass Pestilence, rinse and repeat with a blood boil thrown in here and there when it's off cooldown.
Even doing everything listed, I'm still loosing aggro on one mob or another. Normally, it's early on. I wish I could say I was loosing it to the super mage AoE or to the warrior spinney attack but I was even loosing it to Eto's off spec attacks. He's not the worst enhancement shaman but his DPS isn't that great. Not enough that I should be loosing aggro to him.
I have commonly had issues with aggro against dps in pugs that pull 6.5K or more. I've had issues with pugs that start their rotation with AoE or a big crit. Those things I can understand. I don't like them, but I can understand them.
So my concern becomes what to do now? My gear is pretty good. I have the dodge, parry, health and armor to tank but the aggro issues blow my mind. Sheesh, there has to be something I'm doing wrong.
Elitist Jerks has always been my go to for tanking troubles. But the DK tanking post is leading me to believe I've hit the content level that is going to require me to go duel wield in order to maintain my aggro level. Seriously?
Anyone that knows me knows what a creature of habit I am. Changing spec or rotation or whatever is required to duel wield, will be like learning a new character all over again. I had just gotten to the point where I thought I knew my class. Two-handed, frost tanking. That's what I am, that's what I know. Please don't' tell me I have to change to keep up.
So lay it on me. Give me your thoughts. Tank in need of a little help here!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
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Hubby and I went in on our pallies [extra undead attacks], with an epic healer and some epic dps. I couldn't hold onto them while tanking on my pally, so he swapped tank in addition. TWO pally tanks, spamming consecrate, holy wrath and undead attacks...
Mobs that we shield threw and taunted still had to go kill the healer before coming to us. I think the aggro tables are bugged.
Oh, I changed my spec to get something called Deathchill, which I can pop every two minutes for an extra crit. Great for Critting with HB on an aoe pull.
My new altered spec also has bumped my threat up quite a bit.
For AoE pulls, I mark skull, DND, Pestilence, Blood Boil, Howling Blast. If it's extra touchy threat wise, I'll pop Deathchill before HB
This fight is such a pain, so many mobs to try to aggro. I am not a tank (anymore) but the biggest thing about this fight that comes to mind is the fact that the mobs that are in this encounter are ranged, and don't really pull well. Hiding in the corner definately helps for us, but our pally tank tends to lose some mobs too, it's almost like these mobs have a little bit of randomness thrown into their rotation to make this more challenging. The mobs tend to come around the corner, and if they are ranged, can be standing fairly far away from us still, perhaps being out of range of some of your abilites that help get and keep aggro.
One thing I found that helped my group anyways (I am melee dps druid) was to try to mark up primary targets on the fly so to burn them down just that much quicker, and to try to pay attention to the class of the mobs that are there. I like to kill the priests, rogues, warlock types first, then the hunters and footmen.
Just assuming at this point that your problem may be situational in HoR rather than a flaw with your rotation/spec, as from what I have been reading on your blog [been reading for a couple months :)] you are a very capable player, and not having any experience tanking with a DK I don't feel like I have the right to comment on that.
Other than all that, I think this dungeon, HoR, is a dps race no matter which way you try to slice it, and extremely challenging for any role.
Love reading your blog btw, keep it up. And LOVE the pic at the top of the page. :)
Morphu / Suramar
Glad to have some lurking readers!
The aggro issues seem to raise their ugly heads in HoR. I hadn't had any major issues before then. Unless you count the crazy mage or warlock opens their rotationw ith AoE before I even have time to drop D&D.
Glad to hear it's not just me with HoR. =)
Took a look at your build Ask, I might have to try altering mine a little to see if it works for me too. Thanks!
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