Or so it seems.
After a conversation last night with a blogger friend that randomly decided to roll on our server and spend a little time in our lonely guild, I realized things really -have- changed in my beloved game.
From days gone by, when I was priesting my way through the Burning Crusade, healing my beloved boyfriend tank and all the guildies that I held so dear. Watching the fall of Kara and Zul'Aman. Flying over the vast plains of the Outlands. Proud created of remotely well known guild. Enjoying my place, my friends, my time...
To the adventures of a lovely little demonology lock determined to hold her own against all odds and prove she could raid with her Felguard. Everyone tried so hard to convince me that demonology locks are not meant for raiding. After some time I did come to realize they sadly, were right and thus my adventures into lockdom ended abruptly.
Now the present, a tiny little DK tank from the other side of the tracks. A little bloodelf that once I would have shunned because she came from the "dark" side. A skinny little, bouncy chick with an attitude. Constantly fighting to hold her place in the big bad world that is known mainly to the men in the game. Tanking isn't a girls job...or so she is told...
From a priest to a lock to a death knight...
From a healer to the tank...
From Alliance to the Horde...
From progression raiding to duoing the places we once loved...
From a guild full of friends, fun and excitement to a silent, lonely place.
Things they are a'changing.
What does this mean? I'm not really sure.
I miss my small, close knit guild. I miss the Alliance side. I miss healing. I miss planing the raids and celebrating the small advances. I miss the excitement of vent when we would succeed. I miss doing it all with friends. I miss the things you just can't get from a pug.
I love tanking. I love my deathknight. I enjoy the new people I meet. I like being able to duo the old content I loved so much. I like being able to slow down and enjoy things with Eto that we couldn't before when the guild took up 95% of our time.
Yes I know I can continue to progress with the pugs...but will that ever be enough? Probably not. I miss the people and try as we may, rebuilding that is not going so well. It's just not the time or we're not in the right place to build it up.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
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Quote: "I miss doing it all with friends. I miss the things you just can't get from a pug."
I know exactly how you feel. Sure you can 'get through the game' by pugging or even joining a large, hard core raiding machine-guild, but it looses a personal touch. It's tough loosing such a tight knight social group.
Times they are a'changing indeed. Hopefully things will change for the better (even if it takes its sweet time getting there).
Good luck!
Agreed. Funny how it takes so many words to come to one simple conclusion...I miss the people.
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