Yep, Eto and another, newly dinged 80, wanted to run a couple heroics after the weekly raid tonight and since he was a druid (healer) asked if I would dps. Since I royally suck at DPS on my priest, figured why not get a little gear for the shaman, since I never play her. Log on, join group and..."umm, it says I can't queue for heroics cause Kaly's gear is suckzo."
*sigh* Never had that happen before.
On a brighter note. We did 2 shot Maly...

After a slightly frustrating start to the night. Planned to take our 8 into Naxx to get the key for someone and normal raid time is at 6PM server. Well, this dummy put 5PM for tonight's raid so Eto and I were 30 minutes late to our own raid. At this point 1 of our DPS was already in doing Maly and come to find out the hunter was locked from earlier in the week and had "forgot".
How do you forget you did a raid you had already accepted on the calendar on Tuesday? Grrrr.
Anyway, a few pugs and some great leading from 2 of our guildies and we have Maly under out belt. Pretty fun fight actually.
And did I mention, I healed this fight? Yeah, no tanking for me, Prayer of Healing, ftw! Apparently it's a one tank fight and we needed a healer so guess who got suckered into taking their Alt instead of their main? Yep, so Kalyanna go the achievement for killing Maly. All for the good of the guild!
Oh, and I almost forgot..the exciting news of my weekend?

Yep, she's now a gnome and I love her!! Think it will be a long, long, LONG time before I ever consider making her a Horde!
Anyway, hope everyone had a great weekend and see you soon!
Regarding your shaman - if you had ANY heirlooms at all - they count as item level 0. So that would very badly bring down your "gear score"
Glad to hear things are going well for you guys :D
Maly is a pain in the butt. We had Noth this week.
That is good to know, she did have 2 heirloom items actually, the chest and the shoulders...maybe I need to switch those out and see if she can get into heroics.
Maly was pretty easy, Arch did a gret job explaining it and once we watched it we understood it. Would have one shot him except that we took too long getting to phase 2.
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