I. Do not die. Even if you can Ankh, Soulstone or any other means of resurecting yourself. Using your death as an aggro wipe is an abomination.
II. Do not cause your raidmates to die. In this way, do not allow the healers or wearers-of-cloth to become squished by Lesser Nasties should the Tank ignore them. Your weapon shall be your weapon, but CC shall be your shield in a time of trouble.
III. Do not overtax your healers by taking undue raid damage. In this spirit, do not stand in front of the Big Nasty, nor should you stand in any nastiness the Big Nasty has strewn on the floor.
IV. Focus your Fire by assisting and following the kill order. ALWAYS.
V. Use your trinkets and cooldowns wisely. When in doubt, early and often unless otherwise instructed by your Raid Leader.
VI. If the strategy calls for you to interrupt spell-casting by the Big Nasty, do so. The loss of dps is insignificant compared to violating the First, Second, or Third commandments.
VII. If you have a buff to share with melee, use it. This includes debuffs to the Big Nasty and anything that mitigates damage on the Tank. Though he/she is sometimes crazy and stands in front of the Big Nasty and probably smells a little funny, he/she is your melee brethren.
VIII. Do not show up to raids unprepared. Read the strategies, bring consumables, and have your items enchanted. Listen to your raid leader and class leader. Bring an offering of gold for repairs and pay willingly.
IX. Know what items and statistics will improve you and in what ratios. Do not stand around a dead Big Nasty and debate if his loot is good for you. This too is a violation of the Eighth commandment.
X. Do not covet your neighbor’s Recount. Do not violate the above commandments in an attempt to increase your dps at cost to the raid. This is a violation of the spirit of the law, which is teamwork.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Ding, Dong...Guess who hit 80!!

I didn't have time to adorn Kaly with the few 80 epic items she has in the bank, since it was after 1:00 AM by the time we got out of the instance but I'm sure that will be the first thing I will do tonight.
So what excites me about my first ever Horde 80?
1. Dailies for REAL gold..not half gold and XP.
- Having no economic support from various other 80s. I'm finding it hard to remember what it's like to be a new 80 with nothing. Yeah I know, newbies do it all the time. But I do have 80s and a lot of gold...it's just it's all Alliance side on a totally different server. So dailies it is, with added vigor. Since doing dailies on my Alliance toons was more a chore then a necessity, I'm actually doing dailies now for a purpose.
2. Heroics!
- Another thing I was sick of on my Alliance toons. It seemed that running heroics was another "grind". What did I need from them? Nothing really...it was just something to do. My toons Alliance side already had raid gear from higher end content. They had shards, enchanting mats, exalted with all the factions...what was the purpose? But not with my DK...she has so much to gain and I get to see the instances from the prospected of the Tank. Which by the way I LOVE!
3. Farming
- Actually...I like the idea of being able to farm eternals and enchanting mats and anything else I can without a gathering profession. *sigh* I know it was my idea to make my DK a JC/Enchanter..but no gathering professions is aggravating. But anything and everything I can farm...equals gold...equals epic flying! Another annoyance of no financial support from my other toons. Otherwise, Kaly would have epic flying already. I know I could have been farming before 80 but trying not to get too far ahead of Eto in XP...we both avoiding doing too much without the other.
4. Raiding
- I am kinda leery of this. Not sure how ready I am, mentally, to be tanking any raid. But I am a little excited about the concept of it.
5. Achievements/Pets!!
- I can actually work on these now!!
6. Hunter
- I'm not sure how much time I will devote to my baby hunter but I can and hopefully will start leveling her again. It's just the grind of leveling that I hate. Even with the added excitement of the new lore and seeing new things...I'm finding myself getting easily bored with her. It doesn't say much that I have been trying to level a hunter (mainly the same one) for the past 2 years. Though this one is suppose to be my Horde farming toon. She has mining and skinning as her professions. We'll see how this goes.
So..another 80..another day...another list of things to do.....another lonely, once greatly loved, Alliance toon left untouched on Shadow Council

Will I ever find the time or the balance to spread the love between so many toons?
My favorite 80 ability? Army of the Dead!!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Laugh a little today...
Cross posting these from Eto's Blog...I even laughed at these two!
The Home Stretch
The DK hit 79 last night and is almost half way through the level. I suspect we'll hit 80 before the end of the week.
We ran HoL and UP with the guild and had a pretty easy time. Tanking the instances wasn't too bad. We were heavy in the melee department with myself, a 77 prot pally, an 80 feral druid, 80 shadow priest and then Eto healing. HoL went pretty smoothly, only a couple of mess ups on my part. Simply because I was use to dpsing and wasn't' familiar with what mobs needed to die first but we all made it through without any wipes. The awesome tanky trinket did drop..yay!..but I lost the roll to the warrior...boo. Oh well, she's in more need of it right now then I am anyway. And her main and only spec, is prot so I'll get it next time.
Our first ever wipe came in UP on the last boss. Apparently, Bane, is a very bad thing when you are melee heavy. But after reminding everyone not to touch him when he casts Bane, it went pretty smoothly.
Kaly now has her sexy new silver-plated battlechest from UP as well as some new crafted legs (daunting legplates) and gloves (daunting handguards). I was also able to pick up the Ebon Blade rep tank boots last night. I know, I know, Toxin-Tempered Sabatons, have block and "silly DK you don't have a shield!" I'm just waiting to get this. My guild already thinks I'm just a dumb girl and has no idea what I'm doing. I didn't pick them up for the block but they have nice defense for a starting tank, even if I can't wield a board.
Seems I find myself defending my every move with the guild and most other people I come up against. I swear I'm not crazy, I have done my research and I do know what I need. I need defense, stamina, dodge/parry and expertise. Those are the stats that will benefit me. And if it just so happens that a piece of armor has block on it too...oh well. I can use the other stats from it until I find something more suited for me. So, I'll just kick ass, and watch them eat their words when they realize.."hey, maybe she does know how to tank".
We did find out that Eto and I pretty much have our raid spots guaranteed to us when we hit 80. I'm not really sure how I feel about this. They want me to tank and want Eto to MT heal. That's great but honestly, the guild isn't ready for the content the guild leader is notorious for jumping too.
A little history..
The GM of the guild I'm in now, was a member of Last Call Alliance side awhile back. He's been a friend of Eto's for awhile and played with him on Brozebeard before Eto moved to playing Alliance. So, the GM, is use to running upper end content, isn't very patient and wants things done NOW. Fast forward to the new Horde guild. These players, really don't' know much about their classes, are running really low dps and just need practice in instances and raids. For the most part, the few I've ran with, haven't done much group content.
I topped our DPS meter in both instances last night and that was against an 80 kitty druid and an 80 shadow priest. Granted they are good people but if he wants them to raid, we're going to have to start off slow with things like Naxx.
We ran HoL and UP with the guild and had a pretty easy time. Tanking the instances wasn't too bad. We were heavy in the melee department with myself, a 77 prot pally, an 80 feral druid, 80 shadow priest and then Eto healing. HoL went pretty smoothly, only a couple of mess ups on my part. Simply because I was use to dpsing and wasn't' familiar with what mobs needed to die first but we all made it through without any wipes. The awesome tanky trinket did drop..yay!..but I lost the roll to the warrior...boo. Oh well, she's in more need of it right now then I am anyway. And her main and only spec, is prot so I'll get it next time.
Our first ever wipe came in UP on the last boss. Apparently, Bane, is a very bad thing when you are melee heavy. But after reminding everyone not to touch him when he casts Bane, it went pretty smoothly.
Kaly now has her sexy new silver-plated battlechest from UP as well as some new crafted legs (daunting legplates) and gloves (daunting handguards). I was also able to pick up the Ebon Blade rep tank boots last night. I know, I know, Toxin-Tempered Sabatons, have block and "silly DK you don't have a shield!" I'm just waiting to get this. My guild already thinks I'm just a dumb girl and has no idea what I'm doing. I didn't pick them up for the block but they have nice defense for a starting tank, even if I can't wield a board.
Seems I find myself defending my every move with the guild and most other people I come up against. I swear I'm not crazy, I have done my research and I do know what I need. I need defense, stamina, dodge/parry and expertise. Those are the stats that will benefit me. And if it just so happens that a piece of armor has block on it too...oh well. I can use the other stats from it until I find something more suited for me. So, I'll just kick ass, and watch them eat their words when they realize.."hey, maybe she does know how to tank".
We did find out that Eto and I pretty much have our raid spots guaranteed to us when we hit 80. I'm not really sure how I feel about this. They want me to tank and want Eto to MT heal. That's great but honestly, the guild isn't ready for the content the guild leader is notorious for jumping too.
A little history..
The GM of the guild I'm in now, was a member of Last Call Alliance side awhile back. He's been a friend of Eto's for awhile and played with him on Brozebeard before Eto moved to playing Alliance. So, the GM, is use to running upper end content, isn't very patient and wants things done NOW. Fast forward to the new Horde guild. These players, really don't' know much about their classes, are running really low dps and just need practice in instances and raids. For the most part, the few I've ran with, haven't done much group content.
I topped our DPS meter in both instances last night and that was against an 80 kitty druid and an 80 shadow priest. Granted they are good people but if he wants them to raid, we're going to have to start off slow with things like Naxx.
Death Knight,
Friday, September 25, 2009
Trinkets and Trash and ....murlocs!? and Blog issues
Made it back into BRD on the DK for the Brewfest boss again last night. Still no Kodo but I did snag the awesome tank trinket: Brawler's Souvenir. It doesn't have the defense on it I need but the dodge is very nice. Now it's just a debate between my crafted Monarch Crab and the Bitter Balebrew Charm. hehe That is a crap-ton of stamina. Though I know, I know, it's not really the ideal tanking trinket, but it will be nice till I can find a better defense trinket to replace it. After all, when all else fails...stack a ton of stamina right? =) Yeah, not the prefect idea either. *sigh*

So it seems replying to posts on my blog isn't working so well. Apparently, the layout is preventing anyone from being able to scroll down and enter the validation text? Will try to work on that because I do want to hear any advice or comments people have!
Well, good news, it's Friday! Which hopefully means I'll have time to work in some beneficial WoW time this weekend around the other obligations. *crossing my fingers*
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Death Knight Tank Gear
I've been thinking, since my DK is another level closer to 80...what am I going to do for tanking gear. Of course, as I've been leveling there hasn't been many options. I've taken every tank option the quests and instances have offered. But normally, tanks get shafted. Most of the gear offered is plate healing gear or dps gear. Guess Blizzard doesn't' think tanks actually level as tanks.
Oh well. So, what gear can I get. I've searched high and low, every website I could find and done my research. I know as a Death Knight, I need Defense, Stamina, Parry and Dodge. Block does nothing for since I obviously don't have a shield. With those stats in mind, and trying to remember I need the magic 540 defense cap, I've found the following.
I think, most of this should easily get me tanking heroics for some better gear.
Head: Heroic Gundrak
Ground Tremor Helm
Head: Quest Icecrown
The Crusader's Resolution
Wrist: Heroic Culling of Strat
Bindings of Dark Will
Chest: Quest (Junk in my Trunk) for Utgarde Pinnacle
Silver-Plated Battlechest
Shoulders: Quest in Halls of Stone
Pauldrons of Reconnaissance
Wyrmrest Accord:
Breastplate of the Solemn Council - Revered (Chest)
Cloak of Peaceful Resolutions - Honored (Back)
Sabatons of Draconic Vigor - Revered (Feet)
Argent Crusade:
Special Issue Legplates - Honored (Legs)
Knights of the Ebonblade:
Toxin-Tempered Sabatons - Honored (Feet)
Wrist: Tempered Saronite Bracers
Gloves: Daunting Handguards
Waist: Tempered Saronite Belt
Legs: Daunting Legplates
Oh well. So, what gear can I get. I've searched high and low, every website I could find and done my research. I know as a Death Knight, I need Defense, Stamina, Parry and Dodge. Block does nothing for since I obviously don't have a shield. With those stats in mind, and trying to remember I need the magic 540 defense cap, I've found the following.
I think, most of this should easily get me tanking heroics for some better gear.
Head: Heroic Gundrak
Ground Tremor Helm
Head: Quest Icecrown
The Crusader's Resolution
Wrist: Heroic Culling of Strat
Bindings of Dark Will
Chest: Quest (Junk in my Trunk) for Utgarde Pinnacle
Silver-Plated Battlechest
Shoulders: Quest in Halls of Stone
Pauldrons of Reconnaissance
Wyrmrest Accord:
Breastplate of the Solemn Council - Revered (Chest)
Cloak of Peaceful Resolutions - Honored (Back)
Sabatons of Draconic Vigor - Revered (Feet)
Argent Crusade:
Special Issue Legplates - Honored (Legs)
Knights of the Ebonblade:
Toxin-Tempered Sabatons - Honored (Feet)
Wrist: Tempered Saronite Bracers
Gloves: Daunting Handguards
Waist: Tempered Saronite Belt
Legs: Daunting Legplates
Death Knight,
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Patch Day Woes
So, 3.2.2 brings back the battle of Ony, yay! But, low and behold, the servers are jacked. Go figure. Lag was so bad on Brozebeard that it was impossible to even take anything from the mailboxes. Shadow Council was a little better. I was able to do the daily Brewfest quests. Though my lock has yet to go back into kill Direbrew for the second time.
That saddens me a little. Again, it's just the thought of not doing anything with her I suppose.
But along that note, the boyfriend and I discussed the issues over lunch yesterday. I think we may both be interested in trying our hand at running a guild again. Yeah, you heard me right. I know, I'm crazy. But honestly, after trying various other guilds after LC, we've both realized LC is exactly what we're looking for.
We both worked our butts off to make LC into what it was. Not a raiding guild, not a twink guild...just a friendly, sociable, active, family friendly leveling guild with some casual raiding. Now, months after, we are realizing, that's what we've been looking for in all these other guilds. We find ourselves disagreeing with their values, their decisions, missing the friendly, talkative guild that LC was. LC wasn't anywhere near the raid progression level of most guilds but they were fun and liked doing things together. That's something we're not finding in the other guilds we've tried.
Guess we'll see how this pans out. There are many obstacles to consider. Having our toons spread out between two factions and two different servers is on major obstacle. Yes, there is the option of faction and server transfers. When you'd be transferring and changing multiple toons, that could get very costly. Second issue seems to be that both Bronzebeard and Shadow Council are very well established, heavily populated servers. Building new guilds on these servers could be difficult.
*sigh* More to debate....
That saddens me a little. Again, it's just the thought of not doing anything with her I suppose.
But along that note, the boyfriend and I discussed the issues over lunch yesterday. I think we may both be interested in trying our hand at running a guild again. Yeah, you heard me right. I know, I'm crazy. But honestly, after trying various other guilds after LC, we've both realized LC is exactly what we're looking for.
We both worked our butts off to make LC into what it was. Not a raiding guild, not a twink guild...just a friendly, sociable, active, family friendly leveling guild with some casual raiding. Now, months after, we are realizing, that's what we've been looking for in all these other guilds. We find ourselves disagreeing with their values, their decisions, missing the friendly, talkative guild that LC was. LC wasn't anywhere near the raid progression level of most guilds but they were fun and liked doing things together. That's something we're not finding in the other guilds we've tried.
Guess we'll see how this pans out. There are many obstacles to consider. Having our toons spread out between two factions and two different servers is on major obstacle. Yes, there is the option of faction and server transfers. When you'd be transferring and changing multiple toons, that could get very costly. Second issue seems to be that both Bronzebeard and Shadow Council are very well established, heavily populated servers. Building new guilds on these servers could be difficult.
*sigh* More to debate....
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The return of Onyxia!!
Yay, it's patch day, it's patch day....did I mention it's patch day!!
So, looks like the return of Onyxia is finally here. I, personally, am very excited for this patch. Yeah, yeah...it could be because there are so many new and awesome (though unknown drop locations) pets in it. But other then that...I love Ony! She has been my all time favorite and most respected in game boss since I started playing. Who couldn't love her..she is beautiful and I remember, very clearly, the first time I went in to kill her wishing I could have her as a mount!! And guess what...now you can!! And she is just as beautiful as a mount as I had hoped.
Besides having to complete this raid, numerous times, in attempts to get the 310% mount to drop, we all get a ony whelpling pet in celebration of Blizzards 5 year anniversary!
I am a little sad that I didn't get to do Ony, prevamp, on Kalyara. Also a little sad that I didn't get it done again on Kalyina to get the quest for her head.
Other awesome stuff in this patch....pets, pets and more pets!! Though as of now the location of their drops are unknown...I'm sure people will find this stuff out quickly. But just check them out...I want each and every one of them. And you can bet..I WILL HAVE THEM! With the exception of the trading card pets. *cry* I do randomly buy those cards...but the awesome mounts and pets always elude me.
Compliments of MMOChamps:
Pandaren Monk [Screenshot] [Video] drop location is unknown.
Core Hound Pup [Screenshot] [Video] drop location is unknown.
Lil' KT [Screenshot] drop location is unknown.
Spectral Tiger Cub [Screenshot] will be a reward of the upcoming Trading Card expansion "Scourgewar".
Tuskarr Kite [Screenshot] will be a reward of the upcoming Trading Card expansion "Scourgewar".
Onyxia Whelpling [Screenshot] will be given away to anyone in game during the 5th anniversary of World of Warcraft.
Wind Rider Cub [Screenshot] drop location is unknown.
Gryphon Hatchling [Screenshot] drop location is unknown.
Zipao Tiger [Screenshot] drop location is unknown.
So what will the boyfriend and I be doing tonight...first on the agenda...find a pug for Ony on our Alliance toons! After that is done and we ooh and ahh over all the new awesome loot, she drops and have our moment of silent remembrance...I'm off to find the pets!!!!
Happy Patch Day!!
So, looks like the return of Onyxia is finally here. I, personally, am very excited for this patch. Yeah, yeah...it could be because there are so many new and awesome (though unknown drop locations) pets in it. But other then that...I love Ony! She has been my all time favorite and most respected in game boss since I started playing. Who couldn't love her..she is beautiful and I remember, very clearly, the first time I went in to kill her wishing I could have her as a mount!! And guess what...now you can!! And she is just as beautiful as a mount as I had hoped.
Besides having to complete this raid, numerous times, in attempts to get the 310% mount to drop, we all get a ony whelpling pet in celebration of Blizzards 5 year anniversary!
I am a little sad that I didn't get to do Ony, prevamp, on Kalyara. Also a little sad that I didn't get it done again on Kalyina to get the quest for her head.
Other awesome stuff in this patch....pets, pets and more pets!! Though as of now the location of their drops are unknown...I'm sure people will find this stuff out quickly. But just check them out...I want each and every one of them. And you can bet..I WILL HAVE THEM! With the exception of the trading card pets. *cry* I do randomly buy those cards...but the awesome mounts and pets always elude me.
Compliments of MMOChamps:
Pandaren Monk [Screenshot] [Video] drop location is unknown.
Core Hound Pup [Screenshot] [Video] drop location is unknown.
Lil' KT [Screenshot] drop location is unknown.
Spectral Tiger Cub [Screenshot] will be a reward of the upcoming Trading Card expansion "Scourgewar".
Tuskarr Kite [Screenshot] will be a reward of the upcoming Trading Card expansion "Scourgewar".
Onyxia Whelpling [Screenshot] will be given away to anyone in game during the 5th anniversary of World of Warcraft.
Wind Rider Cub [Screenshot] drop location is unknown.
Gryphon Hatchling [Screenshot] drop location is unknown.
Zipao Tiger [Screenshot] drop location is unknown.
So what will the boyfriend and I be doing tonight...first on the agenda...find a pug for Ony on our Alliance toons! After that is done and we ooh and ahh over all the new awesome loot, she drops and have our moment of silent remembrance...I'm off to find the pets!!!!
Happy Patch Day!!
A little tank and spank..
So, DK tanking, seems to be my new found passion. Interestingly enough, the mechanics of it are fascinating. I have never tanked before...have been either on the healing lines or the dps side. Admittedly, I've always held a secret desire to level a paladin and try my hand at being the star of the show. Though, sadly, none of them ever seemed to get past level 20.
Why Paladin? Well I'd seen my boyfriend Paladin tank, and very well I may add, and it didn't seem to difficult for him. Where on the other hand, I've watched warrior tanks in our guild struggle to hold aggro on anything more then one mob. So, in my eyes AOE tanking = Paladin. I have been pleasantly surprised at how easily AOE tanking is with a DK.
Picking a DK was more of a rush decision and less of a thought out choice for me. After more then a year playing Alliance side on Shadow Council, the boyfriend decided he wanted to go back to playing Horde on Bronzebeard with his still, at the time, level 70 toons. So what was I to do? Level a toon from 1 - 70, very quickly, in order to be able to play with him? That wasn't' going to happen...sheesh, leveling toons on my own takes awhile. So, the most obvious thing to do was roll the DK. I hadn't played one to this point. Mainly avoiding them because I was too focused on my caster. Honestly, I'm glad I did.
Creating and leveling the DK was a totally new adventure. I got her all the way though Outlands in little to no time and was caught up with his Shaman. We were well into Northrend before I attempted tanking my first real instance. Yeah, we had 2 manned a lot of stuff in Outlands, but not with real DPS in the group. So UK was a pretty interesting adventure but..I was hooked.
Tanking puts so much spin on the game but at the same time, is relatively easy. Just hold aggro. It's that simple. Well, that sounds simple sometimes but isn't always so easy.
With abilities like Death and Decay and Blood Boil, which took awhile to get in the habit of using, AOE tanking has proven to be about as easy for a DK as it is for a Paladin. Granted, we have to have runic power in order to use our abilities, which is a little hard to manage at times. Though I wouldn't guess it to be any harder to manage then mana for Paladins and rage for warriors.
One added ability DK's have that seems to be the death of most Paladins, is magic tanking. Death Knights can spec into Spell Deflection (16-18 points into Blood tree) that reduces incoming magic damage based on their Parry chance. I haven't been able to figure out how to get my talent build to allow me to get this far into the Blood tree, but that is to be my next project. mwhahahah, I shall be stronger then a Paladin!
My second point of interest is in Death Grip. Do you have any idea how much fun it is to "snatch" an unsuspecting mob? Death grip is on a 35 sec cooldown but can be reduced to 25 sec with two points in Unholy Command. If only I could figure out how to get points into that as well.
So, we'll see what I can do, but just playing around with the talent trees hasn't let me figure out how to get points into Blood tree to get spell deflection. *sigh*
Why Paladin? Well I'd seen my boyfriend Paladin tank, and very well I may add, and it didn't seem to difficult for him. Where on the other hand, I've watched warrior tanks in our guild struggle to hold aggro on anything more then one mob. So, in my eyes AOE tanking = Paladin. I have been pleasantly surprised at how easily AOE tanking is with a DK.
Picking a DK was more of a rush decision and less of a thought out choice for me. After more then a year playing Alliance side on Shadow Council, the boyfriend decided he wanted to go back to playing Horde on Bronzebeard with his still, at the time, level 70 toons. So what was I to do? Level a toon from 1 - 70, very quickly, in order to be able to play with him? That wasn't' going to happen...sheesh, leveling toons on my own takes awhile. So, the most obvious thing to do was roll the DK. I hadn't played one to this point. Mainly avoiding them because I was too focused on my caster. Honestly, I'm glad I did.
Creating and leveling the DK was a totally new adventure. I got her all the way though Outlands in little to no time and was caught up with his Shaman. We were well into Northrend before I attempted tanking my first real instance. Yeah, we had 2 manned a lot of stuff in Outlands, but not with real DPS in the group. So UK was a pretty interesting adventure but..I was hooked.
Tanking puts so much spin on the game but at the same time, is relatively easy. Just hold aggro. It's that simple. Well, that sounds simple sometimes but isn't always so easy.
With abilities like Death and Decay and Blood Boil, which took awhile to get in the habit of using, AOE tanking has proven to be about as easy for a DK as it is for a Paladin. Granted, we have to have runic power in order to use our abilities, which is a little hard to manage at times. Though I wouldn't guess it to be any harder to manage then mana for Paladins and rage for warriors.
One added ability DK's have that seems to be the death of most Paladins, is magic tanking. Death Knights can spec into Spell Deflection (16-18 points into Blood tree) that reduces incoming magic damage based on their Parry chance. I haven't been able to figure out how to get my talent build to allow me to get this far into the Blood tree, but that is to be my next project. mwhahahah, I shall be stronger then a Paladin!
My second point of interest is in Death Grip. Do you have any idea how much fun it is to "snatch" an unsuspecting mob? Death grip is on a 35 sec cooldown but can be reduced to 25 sec with two points in Unholy Command. If only I could figure out how to get points into that as well.
So, we'll see what I can do, but just playing around with the talent trees hasn't let me figure out how to get points into Blood tree to get spell deflection. *sigh*
Death Knight,
Monday, September 21, 2009
Lions and Tigers and..Brewfest and...Fishing? Oh my...
Up and down the river.....So many fish....now I remember why I hate leveling fishing. Kalyara's fishing went from 1 - 300 this weekend. Talk about a lot of fishing. The last achievement she received was 1000 fish. That's a lot of fish. I think my eyes are going cross from watching the little bobber. Though I did figure out late Sunday that if I turn the volume up, I can watch tv and just click when I hear the splash. So that leaves me just 150 more fishing points to max her out. *sigh* Though thankfully, Glacial Salmon is always in demand.
On the more interesting side. The DK made it to 75 this weekend. Actually, 2 bubbles from 76. Come on cold weather flying! Finally broke down and purchased the normal flying and a mount for her as well.
Oh, the most awesome of awesome! Kaly and Eto did the quest chain in Dragonblight that ended in Veteran of the Wrathgate. If you are horde and have not done this, you are missing out. I won't spoil this for those who haven't done it, but trust me when I say..DO THIS!! It's a very long quest chain that spans the entire zone of Dragonblight but well worth the time and effort. It kind of popped up on us by surprise. We definitely weren't expecting the ending of it.
Scored my first epic 80 trinket last night. Not bad for a level 75 death knight. That's right it's Brewfest time! One of my favorite in game holidays. Not because of the implied fake drinking, etc. But because it gives a event only boss fight that drops great loot and the chance for another mount!!
Well there is much more to report on, but my mood isn't allowing my thoughts to process that stuff today. So....until next time -
Happy hunting, happy gaming!
On the more interesting side. The DK made it to 75 this weekend. Actually, 2 bubbles from 76. Come on cold weather flying! Finally broke down and purchased the normal flying and a mount for her as well.
Oh, the most awesome of awesome! Kaly and Eto did the quest chain in Dragonblight that ended in Veteran of the Wrathgate. If you are horde and have not done this, you are missing out. I won't spoil this for those who haven't done it, but trust me when I say..DO THIS!! It's a very long quest chain that spans the entire zone of Dragonblight but well worth the time and effort. It kind of popped up on us by surprise. We definitely weren't expecting the ending of it.
Scored my first epic 80 trinket last night. Not bad for a level 75 death knight. That's right it's Brewfest time! One of my favorite in game holidays. Not because of the implied fake drinking, etc. But because it gives a event only boss fight that drops great loot and the chance for another mount!!
Well there is much more to report on, but my mood isn't allowing my thoughts to process that stuff today. So....until next time -
Happy hunting, happy gaming!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Lock MIA and Pic Updates!
Got to thinking last night/this morning. I am really missing my lock. Now that I've been playing on Brozebeard, on my DK, I've realized the things I enjoyed on her that I miss. Specifically, I find myself a little "jealous" of what Matt's already established toons have on this server that I don't...but my lock has them. Mainly...cooking, fishing, gathering professions, mounts, vanity pets...all the things I worked so hard to get for her and my little DK has...well, nothing really. She has her DK class mount, no flying mount, 2 little vanity pets and 2 decent professions. But she can tank..which I love.
I find myself a little sad when I think about my lock just sitting there in Dalaran, not being played. Don't get me wrong I love my DK. Even though I know I complain about the guild and not really having any friends on Brozebeard, I still like my toon. Kalyina was my signature toon. I wanted her to have the titles and the achievements...she's my main. Or well..is she really? Since the only thing I do with her anymore is log on to do the cooking and fishing daily? You know to add to my 1088 Northern Spices just sitting in my bank and the chance to maybe get that turtle mount while fishing, that I won't really get to use.
Balance...I don't have much. But what is there to do on Shadow Council? The guild I'm in there isn't really doing much. They don't want to teach Ulduar fights to new raiders. Not that we can raid there anyway since Matt works most nights now and doesn't get home till almost 8, which is raid start time. I don't need to do heroics. I could log on while he's at work and just farm. But for what purpose? To make money for the expansion? But I want to play a goblin..and that's horde so I need to be making gold on Brozebeard...thus I roll another toon. My hunter, who is occupying my time on that server while Matt's at work. With the hopes of making some gold. But...she's not my lock.
Just bitching I guess. =(
So on to more productive things...the list:
1. Kill Onyxia and do the 60 head quest - CHECK!

12. Level my DK to 80 - IN PROGRESS: Past outlands and well into Northrend!!

15. Level a horde toon from 1 - 80 - IN PROGRESS: Meet Shakya!

New and Interesting things:Kaly and Eto had a baby?!?!?!
AAAAHHHHHHHH - Nah it's just an orphan matron in Northrend...how cute!!
(and what a relief, Bloodelf/Tauren baby..scary!)

Kaly got to meet Thralls grandmother....Squeeeeee!!
I find myself a little sad when I think about my lock just sitting there in Dalaran, not being played. Don't get me wrong I love my DK. Even though I know I complain about the guild and not really having any friends on Brozebeard, I still like my toon. Kalyina was my signature toon. I wanted her to have the titles and the achievements...she's my main. Or well..is she really? Since the only thing I do with her anymore is log on to do the cooking and fishing daily? You know to add to my 1088 Northern Spices just sitting in my bank and the chance to maybe get that turtle mount while fishing, that I won't really get to use.
Balance...I don't have much. But what is there to do on Shadow Council? The guild I'm in there isn't really doing much. They don't want to teach Ulduar fights to new raiders. Not that we can raid there anyway since Matt works most nights now and doesn't get home till almost 8, which is raid start time. I don't need to do heroics. I could log on while he's at work and just farm. But for what purpose? To make money for the expansion? But I want to play a goblin..and that's horde so I need to be making gold on Brozebeard...thus I roll another toon. My hunter, who is occupying my time on that server while Matt's at work. With the hopes of making some gold. But...she's not my lock.
Just bitching I guess. =(
So on to more productive things...the list:
1. Kill Onyxia and do the 60 head quest - CHECK!

12. Level my DK to 80 - IN PROGRESS: Past outlands and well into Northrend!!

15. Level a horde toon from 1 - 80 - IN PROGRESS: Meet Shakya!

New and Interesting things:Kaly and Eto had a baby?!?!?!
AAAAHHHHHHHH - Nah it's just an orphan matron in Northrend...how cute!!
(and what a relief, Bloodelf/Tauren baby..scary!)

Kaly got to meet Thralls grandmother....Squeeeeee!!

Bucket List,
Death Knight,
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Guild Drama
Shakya hit 15 last night. It's slow going but she's a toy to play with while Matt's at work.
Still having a blast with my Horde DK. Oddly enough, I didn't even log into my Alliance toons last night. Part of me is a little sad that I seem to be leaving her behind. I've worked so hard on her. On her achievements, gear, leveling, reputation, professions...and for what? To abandon her for a new Horde toon? On a new server, in a new guild I care very little for?
Brozebeard has been a fun server. Mainly because of my DK and seeing so many new things. The guild on the other hand..not so sure I care much for it. The people are some what nice, I suppose. The co-guild master, if that's what he is. Keeps insisting on giving me things. Crafted armor, darkmoon cards, profession mats, profession bags, etc. Even though I've kindly declined most of them, he seems to get offended when I do so. But I'm honestly just not comfortable accepting all this stuff from him. I'm use to being given things, being a female in a game driven by mainly a male population. It seems being a "zomg, ur a gurl!" automatically works in your favor when it comes to getting free stuff. But I'm not the normal girl. Yeah, I have hips and a distinctly feminine air about me...but that doesn't mean I can't play with the big boys. I can hold my own. I know how to play my class and if I don't, I'll read and research until I learn. I don't need runs though this instance or that to level my toon. I don't need someone telling me "oh, no, you use that bag to store your ore in sweetie." Turning down a "gift" of a mining bag doesn't mean I don't' know what it is!! Sheesh, I'm not that big of a noob, I didn't start playing yesterday you know.
*sigh* So yeah...the guild. I've spent the greater part of my game life being a Guild Master, just because I'm a girl, doesn't mean I'm begging or need pity and attention from every male player around. I CAN do things for myself you know. I already have a boyfriend and I'm not using my female anatomy to get your attention dude.
Still having a blast with my Horde DK. Oddly enough, I didn't even log into my Alliance toons last night. Part of me is a little sad that I seem to be leaving her behind. I've worked so hard on her. On her achievements, gear, leveling, reputation, professions...and for what? To abandon her for a new Horde toon? On a new server, in a new guild I care very little for?
Brozebeard has been a fun server. Mainly because of my DK and seeing so many new things. The guild on the other hand..not so sure I care much for it. The people are some what nice, I suppose. The co-guild master, if that's what he is. Keeps insisting on giving me things. Crafted armor, darkmoon cards, profession mats, profession bags, etc. Even though I've kindly declined most of them, he seems to get offended when I do so. But I'm honestly just not comfortable accepting all this stuff from him. I'm use to being given things, being a female in a game driven by mainly a male population. It seems being a "zomg, ur a gurl!" automatically works in your favor when it comes to getting free stuff. But I'm not the normal girl. Yeah, I have hips and a distinctly feminine air about me...but that doesn't mean I can't play with the big boys. I can hold my own. I know how to play my class and if I don't, I'll read and research until I learn. I don't need runs though this instance or that to level my toon. I don't need someone telling me "oh, no, you use that bag to store your ore in sweetie." Turning down a "gift" of a mining bag doesn't mean I don't' know what it is!! Sheesh, I'm not that big of a noob, I didn't start playing yesterday you know.
*sigh* So yeah...the guild. I've spent the greater part of my game life being a Guild Master, just because I'm a girl, doesn't mean I'm begging or need pity and attention from every male player around. I CAN do things for myself you know. I already have a boyfriend and I'm not using my female anatomy to get your attention dude.
Monday, September 14, 2009
An interesting link for all my geekie friends...this is pretty awesome and someone with some very good talent...
Continuing Stories...Updates
Round 2 - _____________________________________________________________________
Shakya settled herself down onto the hard wooden floor. Pulling the bow from her back, she laid her weapons gingerly beside her on the mat. Slowly she settled onto her back, locking her hands behind her head as she stared up at the sky above her. The gaps between the large wood slats forming the ceiling of the shack allowed her a slightly obscured view of the night sky.
Sighing deeply as her body began to relax, Shay's thoughts wandered back to the events of the day.
The Orcs had given her various mediocre tasks to preform. She was sure it was nothing more then a way to test her ability. To be sure she was going to be an asset to the battle and not a hindrance. Rounding up cactus apples for the cook, collecting scorpid venom, checking on the peon workers in the field...nothing very exciting but she had done all that was asked of her without complaint.
Everyone seemed friendly enough. At least under the circumstances. One of the hunters in the camp had even shown her how to craft scorpid sting arrows. Subconsciously, Shay reached over to trail her hand down the strings of her bow, assuring herself that it was still within reach. She knew the bow she had brought with her wouldn't last much longer.
She had been approached shortly before sundown, handed a scroll and instructed to deliver it to the chieftain in Sen'jin villiage. The village was just off to the east and actually a very short run. Within an hour or so, she had arrived at the village. It reminded her of her home. There wasn't much to it, other then a few nicely crafted wooden huts. But the village was a bustle of activity. The population consisted mainly of trolls and for that she was thankful. At least her people didn't strain to understand her. ______________________________________________________________________
Round 3 - _______________________________________________________________________
The sun dawned early gleaming off the red rocks of Durator. Shay had been up and about for several hours, eager to get to work.
A hint of excitement bloomed within her as she thought about the day's task. She was making her way to Razor Hill this morning, then hopefully on to Orgrimmar. There was very little need for her services in the village. She had done all she could to assist the villagers. But the work was not as fulfilling as she had dreamed it to be. There was little glory in aiding the world against a few extra crabs and boars. Today, however, would surely prove to be more.
Placing her fingers to her lips, she let out a lough whistle has she exited the building. Waiting momentarily, listening closely as a huge smile spread over her face. The large shadowy figure topped the hill beside the hut. It's massive size darkened as the sun shown in a halo outline around the creature.
The large raptor let out a screech as it bound down towards her. Crossing the distance with minimal effort to stand beside her. His massive head butting against Shay's shoulder causing her to laugh.
"Good boy, Aladar" Shay reached up to stroke his head. Learning to tame the beast had been one of her many tasks over the past few days. The local Hunter in the village, the same that had taught her so much, had shared his secrets on beast taming with her. It was the art of a hunter. The mark that set their kind apart from all others. But it wasn't all that simple. Learning to tame Aladar had proven to be a very trying task.
The beast was at least twice her size. Her skull still ached from being thrown around by him. But it was the pains of love. He had become her best friend. If that were possible, he was her only real friend. And he was devoted to her and her alone. He fought by her side, defending her from would be harm. It was a relationship no other person could understand. The trust of a beast and his master.
Nothing major to report on after this weekend. Shay dinged 14 finally, her story is only up to date to 10 so far. I will attempt to update that more tonight to tomorrow. I'm finding it harder and harder to actually write that in a story format, but we'll see how it goes.
DK hit 72 last night. She's been a lot of fun to play. And we found the cutest thing ever last night. Making our way to Agmar's Hammer in Dragonblight, in the top of the tower you will find a bunch of little tiny baby cows. That's right, there is an orphan matron there taking care of the Tauren baby's. They are sooo cute. I did take screen shots and will update tonight when I get home to show them. They are adorable!! It's finding things like this on the Horde side that makes it so interesting to me.
Tanked my second instance over the weekend as well. All in all, it went great and was a ton of fun. Did a Nexus run with some guildies, including a level 80 shadow priest, who I was able to keep aggro off of! There was only one wipe and it was not my fault!! The hunter's pet decided to go off and aggro two groups. I did attempt to regain control of the situation but keeping me up with two groups beating on me didn't go so well for Matt. But I do feel more confident and think I might actually like tanking....really. The poor hunter on the other hand...was a totally different story. First off he runs out of arrows and decides he can..melee it? Wow, yeah..that was interesting. Then to top that off...he NEEDS on a caster off hand drop off the rift boss?! WTF does a hunter need with an off hand book, with spellpower, int and mp5?! Oh well...some people give "Huntard" the true meaning of the word.
Matt's work schedule this week is a little sad...he's 2 - close every night, so I'll sadly have more time for the Shay and less time for the DK. Good news..she may actually get her pretty green raptor mount to match her beautiful red raptor pet and the adorable little raptor hatchling pet! Yay!!
Shakya settled herself down onto the hard wooden floor. Pulling the bow from her back, she laid her weapons gingerly beside her on the mat. Slowly she settled onto her back, locking her hands behind her head as she stared up at the sky above her. The gaps between the large wood slats forming the ceiling of the shack allowed her a slightly obscured view of the night sky.
Sighing deeply as her body began to relax, Shay's thoughts wandered back to the events of the day.
The Orcs had given her various mediocre tasks to preform. She was sure it was nothing more then a way to test her ability. To be sure she was going to be an asset to the battle and not a hindrance. Rounding up cactus apples for the cook, collecting scorpid venom, checking on the peon workers in the field...nothing very exciting but she had done all that was asked of her without complaint.
Everyone seemed friendly enough. At least under the circumstances. One of the hunters in the camp had even shown her how to craft scorpid sting arrows. Subconsciously, Shay reached over to trail her hand down the strings of her bow, assuring herself that it was still within reach. She knew the bow she had brought with her wouldn't last much longer.
She had been approached shortly before sundown, handed a scroll and instructed to deliver it to the chieftain in Sen'jin villiage. The village was just off to the east and actually a very short run. Within an hour or so, she had arrived at the village. It reminded her of her home. There wasn't much to it, other then a few nicely crafted wooden huts. But the village was a bustle of activity. The population consisted mainly of trolls and for that she was thankful. At least her people didn't strain to understand her. ______________________________________________________________________
Round 3 - _______________________________________________________________________
The sun dawned early gleaming off the red rocks of Durator. Shay had been up and about for several hours, eager to get to work.
A hint of excitement bloomed within her as she thought about the day's task. She was making her way to Razor Hill this morning, then hopefully on to Orgrimmar. There was very little need for her services in the village. She had done all she could to assist the villagers. But the work was not as fulfilling as she had dreamed it to be. There was little glory in aiding the world against a few extra crabs and boars. Today, however, would surely prove to be more.
Placing her fingers to her lips, she let out a lough whistle has she exited the building. Waiting momentarily, listening closely as a huge smile spread over her face. The large shadowy figure topped the hill beside the hut. It's massive size darkened as the sun shown in a halo outline around the creature.
The large raptor let out a screech as it bound down towards her. Crossing the distance with minimal effort to stand beside her. His massive head butting against Shay's shoulder causing her to laugh.
"Good boy, Aladar" Shay reached up to stroke his head. Learning to tame the beast had been one of her many tasks over the past few days. The local Hunter in the village, the same that had taught her so much, had shared his secrets on beast taming with her. It was the art of a hunter. The mark that set their kind apart from all others. But it wasn't all that simple. Learning to tame Aladar had proven to be a very trying task.
The beast was at least twice her size. Her skull still ached from being thrown around by him. But it was the pains of love. He had become her best friend. If that were possible, he was her only real friend. And he was devoted to her and her alone. He fought by her side, defending her from would be harm. It was a relationship no other person could understand. The trust of a beast and his master.
Nothing major to report on after this weekend. Shay dinged 14 finally, her story is only up to date to 10 so far. I will attempt to update that more tonight to tomorrow. I'm finding it harder and harder to actually write that in a story format, but we'll see how it goes.
DK hit 72 last night. She's been a lot of fun to play. And we found the cutest thing ever last night. Making our way to Agmar's Hammer in Dragonblight, in the top of the tower you will find a bunch of little tiny baby cows. That's right, there is an orphan matron there taking care of the Tauren baby's. They are sooo cute. I did take screen shots and will update tonight when I get home to show them. They are adorable!! It's finding things like this on the Horde side that makes it so interesting to me.
Tanked my second instance over the weekend as well. All in all, it went great and was a ton of fun. Did a Nexus run with some guildies, including a level 80 shadow priest, who I was able to keep aggro off of! There was only one wipe and it was not my fault!! The hunter's pet decided to go off and aggro two groups. I did attempt to regain control of the situation but keeping me up with two groups beating on me didn't go so well for Matt. But I do feel more confident and think I might actually like tanking....really. The poor hunter on the other hand...was a totally different story. First off he runs out of arrows and decides he can..melee it? Wow, yeah..that was interesting. Then to top that off...he NEEDS on a caster off hand drop off the rift boss?! WTF does a hunter need with an off hand book, with spellpower, int and mp5?! Oh well...some people give "Huntard" the true meaning of the word.
Matt's work schedule this week is a little sad...he's 2 - close every night, so I'll sadly have more time for the Shay and less time for the DK. Good news..she may actually get her pretty green raptor mount to match her beautiful red raptor pet and the adorable little raptor hatchling pet! Yay!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
A new journey
______________________________________________________________________ Shakyra approached the orc standing in the middle of the small settlement with slight hesitation. Of course she had seen orcs before, just not so up close and personal. Her tiny village consisted of only a few dozen trolls. Each of whom she knew by name and had since she was a child.
She had never been allowed to leave the village. Had never had any need to until now. She thought back fondly of her home, of her mother and sisters she had left behind only a few days prior. The journey hadn't been a hard one so far. A couple days walk, that was all. Nothing any well trained troll couldn't handle. Though she would never admit to anyone else, her feet and legs were beginning to ache. Fatigue was starting to set in and she was getting hungry.
Shakyra, or Shay as has she was use to being called, took a moment to survey her surroundings. She made note of the small cave located directly behind the Orc. Wondering for a moment if there was a place to rest inside. There was a few other trolls and many orcs scattered around the encampment. Each seemed to be oblivious to her presence and for that she was slightly thankful. She had never been one to draw attention to herself.
She watched the orc standing in front of her for a moment. His presence alone proved him to be a massive force. His armor was slightly worn in places. Shay wondered what the orc had seen in his travels to cause the lines of age around his face to be so prominent. She guess him to be a few years older then her own 19 years. But for an Orc that still didn't justify the marks of ages that drew attention to the emptiness of his eyes. She assumed that like most orcs, his skin was once a vibrant shade of green, but now was fading to an aged shade closer to yellow. None the less, this was not her business and of that she had business of her own to attend to.
Approaching the Orc more confidently this time, Shay walked forward, bringing herself to her full height and made eye contact for the first time with the man she was sent to see.
"Sir, my name be Shakyra Nakuta. I be here to pledge my services to da Horde. I be sent to represent da village of Siruttia." ______________________________________________________________________
So, I don't claim to be an RP'er, or to that thought even a story teller. But I found myself playing this scene in my head last night after I rolled my little baby troll hunter. Maybe I'll continue on with this story in my journal posts about her, maybe not. Who knows. But anyway. Shay is still only a level 5. But those 5 levels did go by extremely fast, as they normally do in the first 10 levels of any toon. I rolled her with the intention of learning the Horde side lore and working towards the Lore Master title. Will I stick to it? *shrug* Maybe. I figured I could do something with my free time while Matt's working. I wanted to take screen shots of her journey and make a journal about the entire rise to 80. I still think it sounds like fun, so maybe it'll happen.
For a strict Alliance girl gone Horde, I'm having a lot of fun on the "dark" side. I feel like such a rebel..hehe. I have found a new fascination with Thrall...yeah, such a dork. I have a ton of screen shots from my DK's adventures in outlands and plan to continue those through Northrend. Visions of an awesome WoW scrapbook dancing in my head.
Other news...Kaly and Ythane attempted ZG again, for the 10 millionth time, last night. Still no raptor mount drop. We're still trying to get another baby raptor pet for Matt's mage. By the way..have I mentioned I LOVE my baby raptor pet?!?! My obsession for the raptors may secretly be the whole reason for rolling a troll...shhhhh!
Hmm, I really should go back and start marking off things from my "To do before Cataclysm hits" list. I even forget what's on that list...
*mental note* - Update list
Ok, so that's in for my nightly wow news, back to the real world! Happy Hunting all!
She had never been allowed to leave the village. Had never had any need to until now. She thought back fondly of her home, of her mother and sisters she had left behind only a few days prior. The journey hadn't been a hard one so far. A couple days walk, that was all. Nothing any well trained troll couldn't handle. Though she would never admit to anyone else, her feet and legs were beginning to ache. Fatigue was starting to set in and she was getting hungry.
Shakyra, or Shay as has she was use to being called, took a moment to survey her surroundings. She made note of the small cave located directly behind the Orc. Wondering for a moment if there was a place to rest inside. There was a few other trolls and many orcs scattered around the encampment. Each seemed to be oblivious to her presence and for that she was slightly thankful. She had never been one to draw attention to herself.
She watched the orc standing in front of her for a moment. His presence alone proved him to be a massive force. His armor was slightly worn in places. Shay wondered what the orc had seen in his travels to cause the lines of age around his face to be so prominent. She guess him to be a few years older then her own 19 years. But for an Orc that still didn't justify the marks of ages that drew attention to the emptiness of his eyes. She assumed that like most orcs, his skin was once a vibrant shade of green, but now was fading to an aged shade closer to yellow. None the less, this was not her business and of that she had business of her own to attend to.
Approaching the Orc more confidently this time, Shay walked forward, bringing herself to her full height and made eye contact for the first time with the man she was sent to see.
"Sir, my name be Shakyra Nakuta. I be here to pledge my services to da Horde. I be sent to represent da village of Siruttia." ______________________________________________________________________
So, I don't claim to be an RP'er, or to that thought even a story teller. But I found myself playing this scene in my head last night after I rolled my little baby troll hunter. Maybe I'll continue on with this story in my journal posts about her, maybe not. Who knows. But anyway. Shay is still only a level 5. But those 5 levels did go by extremely fast, as they normally do in the first 10 levels of any toon. I rolled her with the intention of learning the Horde side lore and working towards the Lore Master title. Will I stick to it? *shrug* Maybe. I figured I could do something with my free time while Matt's working. I wanted to take screen shots of her journey and make a journal about the entire rise to 80. I still think it sounds like fun, so maybe it'll happen.
For a strict Alliance girl gone Horde, I'm having a lot of fun on the "dark" side. I feel like such a rebel..hehe. I have found a new fascination with Thrall...yeah, such a dork. I have a ton of screen shots from my DK's adventures in outlands and plan to continue those through Northrend. Visions of an awesome WoW scrapbook dancing in my head.
Other news...Kaly and Ythane attempted ZG again, for the 10 millionth time, last night. Still no raptor mount drop. We're still trying to get another baby raptor pet for Matt's mage. By the way..have I mentioned I LOVE my baby raptor pet?!?! My obsession for the raptors may secretly be the whole reason for rolling a troll...shhhhh!
Hmm, I really should go back and start marking off things from my "To do before Cataclysm hits" list. I even forget what's on that list...
*mental note* - Update list
Ok, so that's in for my nightly wow news, back to the real world! Happy Hunting all!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Tank n' Spank..and a new toon?
My DK hit 70 Saturday night. Northrend should have been in her immediate future but it took most of Sunday and Monday to get her professions, and Matt's Shaman's, to the point they should be to start Northrend. But she finally made it. Sheesh, I never realized what a pain it was to level Jewelcrafting and Enchanting when your toon starts with nothing at level 55 and doesn't have the support of a level 80 toon with gold to spare. Needless to say she still can't fly and is pretty broke.
Tanked my first instance last night. We did UK. My DK tanking, Matt's Shammy healing and a DK, mage and shadow priest as dps. The crazy mage would sheep as soon as I marked her target, never waiting till we were ready, even after being asked to wait. The other DK in the group was constantly pulling and yanking mobs. Sadly he was the guild leader and a former member of Last Call when I was GM. It turned out to be choas. I can't count the number of times I lost aggro. Though thanks to great healing, we never wiped. I died once when Matt turned to answer a question for Zack. I'm sure the more experience I get the easier tanking will become. I found afterwards that I was missing rotations, etc.
Alliance side? Nothing much to report. We still haven't been playing much there. Tried ZG again but no raptor mount drop. I did get my baby raptor pet the last run though. That was super exciting. I am beginning to think Blizzard is lying and they took that raptor mount out of the game!
So I'll have a lot of time to myself, with Matt's new job, to work on WoW. I think I might level my hunter. She is alliance side on Shadow Council but I think I want to play her and I did find I enjoy questing on my own sometimes. I think because it keeps my head occupied and it's kind of relaxing. It's either my hunter or my druid. It may be both, since I may have ALOT of time to kill. We'll see. But I have visions of a cute Night Elf Hunter with an awesome array of pets.
Tanked my first instance last night. We did UK. My DK tanking, Matt's Shammy healing and a DK, mage and shadow priest as dps. The crazy mage would sheep as soon as I marked her target, never waiting till we were ready, even after being asked to wait. The other DK in the group was constantly pulling and yanking mobs. Sadly he was the guild leader and a former member of Last Call when I was GM. It turned out to be choas. I can't count the number of times I lost aggro. Though thanks to great healing, we never wiped. I died once when Matt turned to answer a question for Zack. I'm sure the more experience I get the easier tanking will become. I found afterwards that I was missing rotations, etc.
Alliance side? Nothing much to report. We still haven't been playing much there. Tried ZG again but no raptor mount drop. I did get my baby raptor pet the last run though. That was super exciting. I am beginning to think Blizzard is lying and they took that raptor mount out of the game!
So I'll have a lot of time to myself, with Matt's new job, to work on WoW. I think I might level my hunter. She is alliance side on Shadow Council but I think I want to play her and I did find I enjoy questing on my own sometimes. I think because it keeps my head occupied and it's kind of relaxing. It's either my hunter or my druid. It may be both, since I may have ALOT of time to kill. We'll see. But I have visions of a cute Night Elf Hunter with an awesome array of pets.
Death Knight,
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