So, 3.2.2 brings back the battle of Ony, yay! But, low and behold, the servers are jacked. Go figure. Lag was so bad on Brozebeard that it was impossible to even take anything from the mailboxes. Shadow Council was a little better. I was able to do the daily Brewfest quests. Though my lock has yet to go back into kill Direbrew for the second time.
That saddens me a little. Again, it's just the thought of not doing anything with her I suppose.
But along that note, the boyfriend and I discussed the issues over lunch yesterday. I think we may both be interested in trying our hand at running a guild again. Yeah, you heard me right. I know, I'm crazy. But honestly, after trying various other guilds after LC, we've both realized LC is exactly what we're looking for.
We both worked our butts off to make LC into what it was. Not a raiding guild, not a twink guild...just a friendly, sociable, active, family friendly leveling guild with some casual raiding. Now, months after, we are realizing, that's what we've been looking for in all these other guilds. We find ourselves disagreeing with their values, their decisions, missing the friendly, talkative guild that LC was. LC wasn't anywhere near the raid progression level of most guilds but they were fun and liked doing things together. That's something we're not finding in the other guilds we've tried.
Guess we'll see how this pans out. There are many obstacles to consider. Having our toons spread out between two factions and two different servers is on major obstacle. Yes, there is the option of faction and server transfers. When you'd be transferring and changing multiple toons, that could get very costly. Second issue seems to be that both Bronzebeard and Shadow Council are very well established, heavily populated servers. Building new guilds on these servers could be difficult.
*sigh* More to debate....
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
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