I didn't have time to adorn Kaly with the few 80 epic items she has in the bank, since it was after 1:00 AM by the time we got out of the instance but I'm sure that will be the first thing I will do tonight.
So what excites me about my first ever Horde 80?
1. Dailies for REAL gold..not half gold and XP.
- Having no economic support from various other 80s. I'm finding it hard to remember what it's like to be a new 80 with nothing. Yeah I know, newbies do it all the time. But I do have 80s and a lot of gold...it's just it's all Alliance side on a totally different server. So dailies it is, with added vigor. Since doing dailies on my Alliance toons was more a chore then a necessity, I'm actually doing dailies now for a purpose.
2. Heroics!
- Another thing I was sick of on my Alliance toons. It seemed that running heroics was another "grind". What did I need from them? Nothing really...it was just something to do. My toons Alliance side already had raid gear from higher end content. They had shards, enchanting mats, exalted with all the factions...what was the purpose? But not with my DK...she has so much to gain and I get to see the instances from the prospected of the Tank. Which by the way I LOVE!
3. Farming
- Actually...I like the idea of being able to farm eternals and enchanting mats and anything else I can without a gathering profession. *sigh* I know it was my idea to make my DK a JC/Enchanter..but no gathering professions is aggravating. But anything and everything I can farm...equals gold...equals epic flying! Another annoyance of no financial support from my other toons. Otherwise, Kaly would have epic flying already. I know I could have been farming before 80 but trying not to get too far ahead of Eto in XP...we both avoiding doing too much without the other.
4. Raiding
- I am kinda leery of this. Not sure how ready I am, mentally, to be tanking any raid. But I am a little excited about the concept of it.
5. Achievements/Pets!!
- I can actually work on these now!!
6. Hunter
- I'm not sure how much time I will devote to my baby hunter but I can and hopefully will start leveling her again. It's just the grind of leveling that I hate. Even with the added excitement of the new lore and seeing new things...I'm finding myself getting easily bored with her. It doesn't say much that I have been trying to level a hunter (mainly the same one) for the past 2 years. Though this one is suppose to be my Horde farming toon. She has mining and skinning as her professions. We'll see how this goes.
So..another 80..another day...another list of things to do.....another lonely, once greatly loved, Alliance toon left untouched on Shadow Council

Will I ever find the time or the balance to spread the love between so many toons?
My favorite 80 ability? Army of the Dead!!
Gratz on 80! Being a death knight tank is soo much fun! If my spec is of any help to you, please feel free to look me up - Askevar on Thorium Brotherhood.
I LOVE AotD myself :D
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