Round 2 - _____________________________________________________________________
Shakya settled herself down onto the hard wooden floor. Pulling the bow from her back, she laid her weapons gingerly beside her on the mat. Slowly she settled onto her back, locking her hands behind her head as she stared up at the sky above her. The gaps between the large wood slats forming the ceiling of the shack allowed her a slightly obscured view of the night sky.
Sighing deeply as her body began to relax, Shay's thoughts wandered back to the events of the day.
The Orcs had given her various mediocre tasks to preform. She was sure it was nothing more then a way to test her ability. To be sure she was going to be an asset to the battle and not a hindrance. Rounding up cactus apples for the cook, collecting scorpid venom, checking on the peon workers in the field...nothing very exciting but she had done all that was asked of her without complaint.
Everyone seemed friendly enough. At least under the circumstances. One of the hunters in the camp had even shown her how to craft scorpid sting arrows. Subconsciously, Shay reached over to trail her hand down the strings of her bow, assuring herself that it was still within reach. She knew the bow she had brought with her wouldn't last much longer.
She had been approached shortly before sundown, handed a scroll and instructed to deliver it to the chieftain in Sen'jin villiage. The village was just off to the east and actually a very short run. Within an hour or so, she had arrived at the village. It reminded her of her home. There wasn't much to it, other then a few nicely crafted wooden huts. But the village was a bustle of activity. The population consisted mainly of trolls and for that she was thankful. At least her people didn't strain to understand her. ______________________________________________________________________
Round 3 - _______________________________________________________________________
The sun dawned early gleaming off the red rocks of Durator. Shay had been up and about for several hours, eager to get to work.
A hint of excitement bloomed within her as she thought about the day's task. She was making her way to Razor Hill this morning, then hopefully on to Orgrimmar. There was very little need for her services in the village. She had done all she could to assist the villagers. But the work was not as fulfilling as she had dreamed it to be. There was little glory in aiding the world against a few extra crabs and boars. Today, however, would surely prove to be more.
Placing her fingers to her lips, she let out a lough whistle has she exited the building. Waiting momentarily, listening closely as a huge smile spread over her face. The large shadowy figure topped the hill beside the hut. It's massive size darkened as the sun shown in a halo outline around the creature.
The large raptor let out a screech as it bound down towards her. Crossing the distance with minimal effort to stand beside her. His massive head butting against Shay's shoulder causing her to laugh.
"Good boy, Aladar" Shay reached up to stroke his head. Learning to tame the beast had been one of her many tasks over the past few days. The local Hunter in the village, the same that had taught her so much, had shared his secrets on beast taming with her. It was the art of a hunter. The mark that set their kind apart from all others. But it wasn't all that simple. Learning to tame Aladar had proven to be a very trying task.
The beast was at least twice her size. Her skull still ached from being thrown around by him. But it was the pains of love. He had become her best friend. If that were possible, he was her only real friend. And he was devoted to her and her alone. He fought by her side, defending her from would be harm. It was a relationship no other person could understand. The trust of a beast and his master.
Nothing major to report on after this weekend. Shay dinged 14 finally, her story is only up to date to 10 so far. I will attempt to update that more tonight to tomorrow. I'm finding it harder and harder to actually write that in a story format, but we'll see how it goes.
DK hit 72 last night. She's been a lot of fun to play. And we found the cutest thing ever last night. Making our way to Agmar's Hammer in Dragonblight, in the top of the tower you will find a bunch of little tiny baby cows. That's right, there is an orphan matron there taking care of the Tauren baby's. They are sooo cute. I did take screen shots and will update tonight when I get home to show them. They are adorable!! It's finding things like this on the Horde side that makes it so interesting to me.
Tanked my second instance over the weekend as well. All in all, it went great and was a ton of fun. Did a Nexus run with some guildies, including a level 80 shadow priest, who I was able to keep aggro off of! There was only one wipe and it was not my fault!! The hunter's pet decided to go off and aggro two groups. I did attempt to regain control of the situation but keeping me up with two groups beating on me didn't go so well for Matt. But I do feel more confident and think I might actually like tanking....really. The poor hunter on the other hand...was a totally different story. First off he runs out of arrows and decides he can..melee it? Wow, yeah..that was interesting. Then to top that off...he NEEDS on a caster off hand drop off the rift boss?! WTF does a hunter need with an off hand book, with spellpower, int and mp5?! Oh well...some people give "Huntard" the true meaning of the word.
Matt's work schedule this week is a little sad...he's 2 - close every night, so I'll sadly have more time for the Shay and less time for the DK. Good news..she may actually get her pretty green raptor mount to match her beautiful red raptor pet and the adorable little raptor hatchling pet! Yay!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
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