Wow, yesterday was busy, busy, busy!!
I think I've overcome my fears. For the most part. Last night was full of enough WoW to make up for any lack I had there of this weekend.
Started off simple. Let's run H-DTK, it's the daily, and would put me 1 emblem away from my Sigil of Insolence. Would have been the last I needed, IF I had remembered to pick up the daily heroic quest before running AN the night before. But it went pretty smooth, even with the stupid server lag that keeps sneaking up lately. The funny part of the entire run? It was ALL DKs, with the exception of Eto healing. Kinda nuts. Maybe I need to /who the people that whisper me before joining. I had the first 3 people, all DKs. One dropped, so I invited the next person to whisper me...also another DK.
Anyway, finished up DTK, I did have the quest for this one! Then why not do the normal daily..on heroic, it's HoL and I still want those shoulders. Pick up a much better blended group this time. Run goes super quick. Probably the quickest HoL run I've done yet. Oh, oh, oh, they dropped!! Iron Dwarf Smith Pauldrons off of General Bjarngrim! Yay!
So, get back to Dalaran and realize I'm 1 emblem short of getting my Tier 8 chest. You know we HAVE to do a quick h-VH run! The group we got for this one was really, really low on the dps meters so portals were popping before we had the last mobs killed in the prior one. But I think that's what happens when you run with a feral tank druid in kitty form and a new level 80 warrior. Still didn't have any problems and it gave me what I needed! Dropped my enchant and crap ton of stamina gems into Valorous Darkruned Chestguard and I was finally over 32,000 health unbuffed and over 40% Dodge/Perry. *happy dance*
Our little newbie level 80 warrior asks if we want to do H-CoS. I had previously been avoiding this one but was feeling pretty good about myself so why not? Off we go, adding a lock and another DK to our group. I had no intentions of trying to make the timer for the drake. I was pretty sure with it being my first time tanking it and the low dps from the warrior, we'd never make it. So I didn't really rush but we had good placement of the groups, the DK was kicking out 3200+ DPS and I dared look up at the timer when we hit the town hall...16 minutes remaining...seriously?!? Well the time stop boss went down and we had 11 minutes left on the timer. I eased through the hall, grabbing groups of elites, finishing them off then moving on. I was trying desperately not to give Eto a heart attack. But I must not have been too hard to heal. We down the Drake boss with 6 minutes left on the timer on my first time though!!!
Only myself and the warrior needed the drake, everyone else had it. Sadly, his 91 beat my 42. But oh well, I got the satisfaction of knowing I tanked CoS, timed run, on my first attempt!
So that wrapped up my eventful evening. Eto went on to successfully heal VoA10 while I headed to bed, a very happy and content DK!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
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Congrats! Good DK tanks are a rarity on my server so it's always nice to hear someone suiting the role so well :D
Sadly, good DKs in general seem to be hard to find. I hate the fact that the DKs are now the new Huntards of WoW. It makes those of us, serious about playing the class right, start off with a bad rep from the beginning.
I'm sure it's the same way a good hunter feels. It's a pretty simple class to play, for a lot of people a DK is the first and maybe only max level toon, they aren't really sure how to play it since they start at level 55...but give me a break. Those of us that are serious about our DKs give them just as much attention as we give our other 80 toons.
We're not all bad. =)
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