So I'm starting to frustrate my healer. I can see it a little more each day. He's ready to do things that for whatever reason, I don't think I'm ready for. Higher end heroics, VoA, lower end raids, just to name a few.
I'm not sure exactly why I'm so scared of these. I just don't think my gear is really ready for those encounters yet. I have a hard enough time with some of the simpler heroics. Managing heroic Gundrak is still a lot of work for me.
I am 1 point below defense cap for 80 raids. That puts me at 539. It's not gaining or holding threat that bothers me. I've proven that. My dodge and parry percents are pretty good as well but it's my health or the lack there of that worries me. Unbuffed, I range in at a little over 25,000. Trying to get my defense to cap has caused me to have to pass on some of the higher stamina items.
I know I need to farm normal HoL and hope for the defense trinket to drop again. That is easier said then done when no one wants to run normal instances...there are no emblems or epic loot to be had there, so they don't want to bother. Which I can totally understand when you're already running around in epic items, looking for emblems and deciding that normal instances are below you. But sadly, I need that trinket.
I've encouraged Eto to do the daily heroic with his friends and the guild, to go to Ony, to pug VoA..he's a healer, it's not going to take long for him to get snatched up. I can't exactly dps in tank gear and then roll on tank drops. From my experience, most pugs don't want you rolling that way. But frustrated he still is and frustrated I'm becoming.
Honestly, I'm willing to try anything once. I'm willing to try the heroics I avoid. The only exception being I want to do it with people that I know...not pug an instance and make a idiot of myself because I'm not ready. Know what I mean? Surely, I'm not the only one that doesn't want to spend forever apologizing to random strangers for causing them costly wipes, lockouts and headaches to realize you're just not ready for it.
Think it's just something I have to get over or go back to being DPS.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
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No you aren't the only one that doesn't want to spend forever apologizing to random strangers for causing costly wipes and lockouts. I felt very similar when I was just starting with Ythane in BC. I got past that, and yet it reared it's head again for heroics in Wrath.
I didn't get past that. Not sure why. Yet I'd love to give tanking another go with my druid. Go figure. Maybe it's just Ythane that I have an issue with.
I get frustrated with you and your hesitation, because I know (repeat: KNOW) that you can tank those heroics. Sure we don't want to do H-UP or H-Occ (ack!), but you've tanked H-Gundrak twice now. And that's a harder instance than say Nexus, UK, DTK, and VH.
What's bothering me is that we're not trying those instances to get the emblems. That we're not trying anything. You won't be able to get past the fear of tanking, unless you tank things. Then it will become old hat.
You were an OT for OS10, wearing worse gear than what you have now. And you still were tanking more things than the MT. You had more things beating on you. And you didn't die until the very very end when I had to decide to keep you alive with adds or keep the MT alive on the boss. I made a gut call, you died, but we cleared the raid.
Wish I could have kept you both alive. Surprised that they had me healing both tanks. But that's another issue all together.
You have 25k health. That's more than I have my 10k at least. You have good dodge and parry, and you generate a lot of threat. You can tank things baby. I know you can. You have seen that you can.
You just need to convince yourself that you can.
We'll get your trinket and do some of the lower heroics. We'll get the emblems and the gear, and we'll have fun doing it.
Tanking at the low end of the gear spectrum really does require a certain amount of courage and a certain amount of reckless abandon. Glancing at your armoury and reading your post about Obsidian Sanctum, I can see that you have the gear and the skill for the content you're pressing into. I think you must have the courage, too, otherwise you never would have tanked that raid... which leaves the reckless abandon.
Basically, you need to stop worrying about other people. The 3.2 effect means that PuGers expect tanks to have 30k+ health but it's no secret that tanks were running around with barely more than 20k, supported by healers in blues and greens, during early WotLK days and we still took content down. Your gear is good and you've obviously put effort into it with craftables and enchants: that means any DPS undermining you when you set out to tank a heroic has his head up his arse. I really do advise that you try and push on regardless of anything arse-headed DPS say because losing momentum now, when you're finally at the stage where you should be about to get some right-shiny epics, would be a horrible waste and would stop you from finding out just how fun it is tanking when you have a really solid gear set.
Furthermore, your gear is actually good enough now that you should be able to handle ToC normal. That, you can grind. That, you can do without fear of failure locking everyone out of future attempts for that day. Maybe running that a few times and mopping up the brilliant tank drops it boasts would boost your confidence some? It certainly sounds worth trying.
On a final note, I hope you manage to start feeling confident about your tank. I was in a similar predicament with my warrior a few weeks back and I know how stressful it can be (mind, my method of dealing with it probably shouldn't be copied: 3am, dosed up on tea, raging through instances and telling arsey DPS where to stick it...) but I honestly think you can get through it. Oh, and if you want to defence cap yourself for raids, nab yourself a pair of Tempered Saronite Bracers. You'll have defence left over to keep you capped when early epic upgrades steal defence rating away again. :)
Ah ha! I told ya.
I can't believe we totally missed the crafted bracers, though it was fun duoing normal UP in the hopes that Miss Sorrowgrave would drop those damn bracers.
Once we get those made, you'll lose a little health, but I think you'll be able to use your brewfest trinket.
Just not sure how much time you want involved with them before we switch servers.
I'm totally backing Aelystriel here. You can tank things. You have tanked things. Just do the crazy pulls that you want to. Make me remember how annoying I was when I tanked on Ythane. Oh the healer can keep me up with two groups on me. :p
Seriously, just have fun with it. Tanking is a blast. And our server transfer should make things easier to get pugs going.
Adding those to the top of the list of things to get. Thank you Aelystriel! New bracers and defense capped, yay! You are right, I have to just push on to get past my tanking fears. Otherwise I will end up giving up.
So, looks like the next few days will see Eto and I bravely (or not so bravely) heading into some uncharted territory. =)
Thanks for the great advice and love your blog!
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