I'm slowly loosing motivation on my Death Knight. I'm not sure what is causing this or is it motivation on the game? This is a common reaction to me getting a toon to 80 and having her there long enough to get decent gear. I slowly, or not so slowly, loose motivation with her once she gets her gear, mounts, rep and a little gold in her stash.
The proof of this? I have an utterly awesome level 80 lock Alliance side who has pretty nice (read, a lot of tier gear and raid drops) gear, is a couple mounts away from her Albino Drake achievement, has the Ambassador title, is exalted with all her factions and the Argent Crusade, etc. What is she doing now? Just sitting in Dalaran, with her loyal demon companion passing the days away.
The same can almost be said for my 80 Priest, if I cared enough about healing to want to play her more. Honestly, I thought about blowing the dust off her and trying to get her to an acceptable level. She was my main all the way up to Wrath after all. At one point in time she too was my pride and joy. In the days of BC she was geared up, raid healing and strutting her stuff in Shatt with everything to be proud of. But I also grew tired of her.
Now, fast forward to present day and my once cute baby DK. Don't get me wrong, she's still cute but there is something missing. Oh, yeah..motivation. So this may just be the norm for me. Or it may be that I see Eto going off to do bigger and better things. Quickly bypassing me in gear, rep and over-all standing. He did Ulduar 25 Saturday night. I encouraged him to do this..."for the betterment of the guild". You know, with the one guildie that we HAD that was 80 and wanting to raid. (Said guildie also /gquit sometime in the early morning hours afterwards). But I won't get on to the guild standings, that's depressing enough. He made a pretty good impression on the guild he ran with, as he was invited to join their chat channel so he could be involved in future stuff. Future being the next day, when they invited him to do Sarth+3. Unfortunately, we were doing the Headless Horsemen boss and he didn't get to go.
But anyway, my DK now has pretty decent gear. I was able to get her awesome Spiked Deathdealers made last night. She is sitting in all epics, minus 3 pieces. I know there are still things I can improve on. Her Be Imba! score isn't so bad, 442.56. From what is suggested I need to be in 25 man content and Ulduar 10 content at this point. But guess what? Those things scare me. So, instead of tackling my fears, what do I do? I wander around Dalaran and read Trade chat. This is where I wish we had a guild with 80s that way I could move on to this content without the ramification of doing it with a pug. Pugs are very unforgiving of a baby tank in training.
Maybe our jump from Bronzebeard to Shadow Council came a little too early. A little more raid experience and confidence would have done a DK good.
Monday, October 19, 2009
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You would be amazed. Same thing happened to me the other night with a CPL of primordial saronites. The guy who got me wasn't smart enuf or cared enough to use a lvl 1 toon *rude gesture* at jedikiller barthilas. But anyway I googled and found this. Wow-guides.onlinegamehacker.com/f153/snipe-neutral-ah-39217/
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