Looks like I'm running into the wall again. Well, the level of content wall. I've gotten another toon to 80, she's appropriately geared as high as I can take her without getting into a raiding group.
My DK's Be Imba! gear score has risen significantly. It's currently at 505.27 with her optimal content level showing in Ulduar25, Ulduar10 Hardmodes and Colisum10. Currently, the only way I would see any of this content is in a PUG. I don't think I'm ready for that yet. I need to know the fights from a tank prospective before I throw myself in front of those bosses with the intention of trying to tank them. That's a heavy weight to carry on her little shoulders.
So, the question becomes...what do I do now? I can't seem to find the desire to do the grind and run needed for the achievements and such that I did on my lock. It just doesn't seem as much fun the second time around.
Our Alliance side guild is trying to get the members motivated to start raiding again. Long story short, if you haven't read my back posts, they were pushing progression hard and heavy through the summer. This meant that some people (Eto and I) weren't invited to do anything above Naxx level. They had the intentions of kicking ass to get to Yogg every week and grinding on him endlessly trying to down him.
Well this soon turned people off and the raiding became less and less until now they have only gotten a raid together twice since September. Now they are re-evaluating their situation and may realize that the push, push, push attitude they had earlier isn't what people wanted. So, it's possible Eto (on his mage) and I (on my lock) could get the chance to start doing Ulduar a couple times a week.
They are proposing shorter raid nights since every one's schedules are so hectic. Look like people are in favor of doing 2 or 3 a week for about 2 - 3 hours at a time instead of 3 - 4 nights a week at 4+ hours a run.
We've been talking about trying to split our time between the Alliance toons, who I miss so very much and the Horde toons, who Eto is so fondly attached to. This may be the key to allow us to do that. So far we've talked about committing a couple nights a week to the Alliance side, to raid on our 80s, to level our druid, etc and then a dedicating a couple nights a week Horde side to running our DK and Shaman for emblems and then leveling our Hunter/Shaman combo as well.
I hate to think we need an actual "schedule" but it's beginning to look like we may need one if we go with this idea.
Friday, October 30, 2009
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I wish you were on our server lol. Though our tank spots are full [and then some], it would give you an idea of tanking it even to go as dps.
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