Why are Horde toons so ugly? Seriously. I have been thinking about transfer (faction transfering) one of my Alliance toons Horde side so I have some variety but...yuck!

Make my cute Draenei Priest with her adorable pig tails a Horde? Ewwwww
Make my pretty Nightelf druid, with the awesome hair a cow? Ahhhhhh
Make my Draenei Shama a....cow?...troll?....orc? *hide*
My warlock...what? Another Bloodelf.
That's part of the reason I've had trouble rolling any horde toons myself... and sticking with them. Bleh.
Someone questions my beauty...*
I know who it is now!
I do sort of understand where you're coming from, having played Alliance extensively myself, but I actually prefer the way most Horde races look. Orc females in particular have some of the best animations in the game (in my ever-humble opinion) and the Forsaken are fun and quirky. While I adore night elves and think they trump the blood elves by far, we Hordies do get sexy mounts and some of us are quite dainty if you can ignore my old computer's failgraphics. :P
* plznote Aelys does not count this shot as good evidence supporting her prettifulness, her slandersense often triggers less than pleasing poses.
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